Page 17 of Vows and Vendettas

“But I like your skills in the bedroom.” He pouts, and I lean up to kiss his lips.

I like this side of Sasha. I’ve made beet soup before with my mother and the other two are easy enough. Golubtsy is basically meat wrapped in cabbage while the zharkoye is closest to a beef stew with potatoes, carrots, and mushrooms. My mouth waters. I’m excited about the homey meals I plan to make for him. No wonder he kept his fridge stocked with items from the deli. It must remind him of home.

“Buy me underwear and groceries, and I’ll show you how skilled I am in both.” I tease him as I get up off the floor and head into the bathroom to shower.

I have no doubt Sasha will follow me. Which is my plan.



Over the next week, neither of us broach the topic of Natalya’s father or the money he owes me. It’s as though we’re ignoring the fact that our time together is limited. Instead, we’ve spent most of that time talking, eating all the delicious meals she’s cooked that remind me of home, and of course, fucking.

“God, yes. Harder.”

I pound into her from behind while gripping her hips securely. Already faint red marks mar her pale skin. Without slowing my pace, I grab the small bottle of lube I’d tossed on the mattress before we began, pop the top, and squirt it down her ass crack and around her puckered hole. Natalya gasps and jerks forward, but my hold on her tightens.

“I told you, solnishko. You’re mine. All of you. Your cunt. Your ass.” I circle it with my thumb, spreading the slick lubricant all around.

She shudders beneath me, but she’s stopped trying to escape. I dip inside, only going as far as my first knuckle. She moans, and while it’s a minimal movement, she pushes back into me. I shallowly move the digit in and out, swirl more lube around the hole and then slide it back in, this time going deeper. I alternate the thrusts of my cock and thumb to increase the friction on the thin membrane that separates them.

Natalya curls her fingers and clutches the sheet in her fists, her moans growing louder as she meets me with each thrust. I remove my thumb and she cries out. I could prolong her torture by drawing it out, but I want her to come at least twice before I do. I replace my thumb with one finger, then two, stretching her wide.

Her whole body shudders. “I’m so full.”

“You like that, don’t you?”

She nods, her cheek rubbing against the sheet beneath her.

“If only you could see how stuffed your holes are. I can’t wait to see you take my cock in your ass.”

As though my words were the spark that ignited the fuse, Natalya screams and rocks her hips back into mine. Her release hits. I need one more, though. I slide my free hand around and find her clit, keeping up the punishing rhythm. It only takes a couple rubs against the sensitive nerves before another orgasm hits her. A few more pumps and I bury myself deep inside and give her every bit of my come. I remain locked inside her another minute while small flutters ripple through her cunt. Finally, I withdraw my fingers and cock. She collapses face-down onto the bed with a heavy sigh while I go into the bathroom to wash up. I return with a warm cloth and take care of her like I always do.

I climb in and tug Natalya so she’s lying completely on top of me. She tucks her arms tightly against herself and rubs her cheek along my chest with a soft, little purr. I wrap mine around her and gently rub her back.

“You’re hard, and yet so soft and warm,” she murmurs, her hot breath ghosting along my skin.

My lips curl up at her sleepy voice. My solnishko is always exhausted after a round of fucking and never stays awake long after. But then my mouth flattens.

Aleksei called me yesterday with some disturbing news about Boris. I keep waiting for how things are going to play out. I lie here, holding Natalya while she sleeps. What’s going to happen after the next three weeks are up and her father hasn’t come up with money? And what if, by some miracle he does, am I going to do about her? I’m not sure I’ll be able to let her go. She’s been mine for years. I’ve merely been waiting for her.

My phone rings from the bed-side table. Trying not to jostle her too much, I reach for it. “Yes?”

“You need to come down to Humboldt Park.”

Before I can reply, Aleksei ends the call. Christ. I carefully roll Natalya off me and cover her with the blankets. She shifts slightly, but otherwise, doesn’t move. Her breathing remains soft and even. I quickly throw on a pair of jeans and a sweater, grab my keys, and head down the elevator. Why the hell is he calling me in the middle of the night? And arranging a meeting at a park that borders Italian territory?

Considering the late hour, traffic is light and it doesn’t take me long to reach my destination. I locate an open spot on the street. I barely get out of the car before Valeryi approaches. I follow him deep into the park until I make out the shapes of several men standing near the edge of the lagoon. On the ground at their feet is a large lump. One that, even from this distance, is distinctly human-shaped.

We come to stand with those already there, including Aleksei. I glance down at the body on the ground, even though I don’t need to. There’s only one reason I would be called here.

“The Italians offer us a gift of appreciation,” Aleksei says in a dry tone.

I run a hand back and forth across the top of my head. “Fuck. What did they say?”

“Apparently the Bratva is not the only organization he ‘borrowed’ from.”

Boris’ sightless eyes stare up at the sky. The bullet hole in the center of his forehead is large and irregular, which means it’s an exit wound. So he was shot execution-style. “How did he expect to get away with this? It’s one thing to steal from us, but it’s another to take from our rivals.”