Page 26 of Forever

Livvie’s expression was one of adoration. Apparently all women, no matter what age, loved romance.

My mom straightened and clapped her hands. "All right, kids, let’s eat."

"Yes, because once we’re done, we’re opening presents and then later on this morning, I want you guys to help me build a snowman," my dad chimed in.

God, it had been years since I had built a snowman. Usually it ended up in a giant snow ball fight. I had no doubt today wouldn’t be any different. Only this time, Livvie would be with me. This was going to be so much fun.

Cinnamon rolls were handed out and we all gathered around the tree to eat. Once we finished, Livvie helped clean up the kitchen while my dad and I gathered around the tree, queuing up the Christmas music, and making everyone some hot chocolate from the Keurig in the den. The two women joined us, and I donned the Santa hat to start passing out presents.

"This one is to Livvie from Santa," I said, handing her the medium-size box wrapped in shiny powder blue paper with silver bells etched into it.

"Here’s one to Mom from me." Another one passed.

"Dad from Mom." Pass.

"Oh, this one’s mine. How exciting." Everyone smiled at my antics and Livvie shook her head.

On and on it went. I barely paid attention to any of my gifts, although they were all great. I especially loved the new dive watch I’d received. Instead, my eyes were on the young woman sitting on the floor with a throw blanket wrapped around her. She took her time opening each gift, careful not to tear the paper on any of them. Livvie admired each one, slowly, with such an expression of awe on her face. Her fingers caressed the blue cashmere sweater, the crystals on the feminine watch, the aquamarine birthstone necklace in white gold, and the tin full of drawing pencils with coordinating sketchpad.

Suddenly, she cleared her throat and jumped up from the floor. "Excuse me," she muttered and rushed out of the room.

The three of us stared in shock at each other. My mom started to rise, but I waved her down. "Let me." I came to my feet and headed down the hall in search of Livvie. I found her in the bonus room staring out the window, her arms wrapped around her waist. Her shoulders trembled.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked softly. She jerked at my voice and sniffled before wiping her face with her shirt sleeve.

"I’m sorry, I’m being stupid."

I tugged her arm, and she turned toward me. Her eyes were red, her cheeks splotchy. "I’m not sure what this is about, but whatever it is, it’s not stupid. Talk to me, babe."

"I just got a little emotional.I’ve never had such nice presents before."

"Aww, come here." I pulled Livvie into my arms and held her tight. I wasn’t sure what to say to that, so I didn’t say anything. Merely hugged her.

Finally, she pulled away. "I’m feeling better now."

"Are you sure?" I bent a bit and stared into her eyes.

She nodded. "I promise."

"Okay." Her hand was warm in mine as we headed back out to the living room. I gave a short nod to my folks, who smiled, and didn’t ask any questions.

Livvie and I took our places. She carefully put her items away, while I picked up all the wrapping paper and stuck it in the garbage bag. All the gift boxes were stacked and ready to be stored back in the plastic box my mom kept them in to use again next year.

She stepped over to my parents and gave them both huge, long hugs. "Thank you so much for everything. This was an amazing Christmas that I’ll never forget."

My mom palmed both of Livvie’s cheeks, her eyes never leaving hers. "You are more than welcome. I think we got the better present, though. I’m so happy you’re part of our son’s life, and I want you to know, Ryan and I love you very much."

They hugged each other tight, and tears filled both women’s eyes. Even my dad and I got a little misty-eyed. This was what I’d wanted. My parents to see how wonderful Livvie was, not just for me, but as a person. The two of them broke apart, their smiles watery.

"Alright, everyone. Now that everything’s all picked up, who’s up for making that snowman?" My dad asked excitedly. We all groaned good-naturedly. "Come on. Last one out has to go gather the sticks for armsandthey don’t get snow cream for dessert tonight."

"Snow cream?" Lizzie asked, her nose wrinkled in confusion.

"Oh, you’re not going to want to miss it. I’ll race you upstairs, and I’ll explain later." I took off running. She screeched in outrage and was hot on my heels.

"No you don’t mister. I don’t know what the stuff is, but if it’s making you haul ass, I’m all over it. You’re not going to beat me."

The two of us dove into our rooms, Livvie giggling, while we hurried and changed clothes.