Page 18 of Forever

My mom kissed my cheek and my dad patted my shoulder, and then they were gone. I hopped in my car and headed for Joe’s. The parking lot was packed, and it took me a minute to find a spot in the back near the dumpster. I pulled my jacket up on the walk to the front door. It had gotten a lot colder since our hayrack ride a few weeks ago.

I stood inside the door, my eyes scanning the restaurant for Livvie. Finally, I spotted her. Her hair was pulled in her usual work ponytail. The white, tucked-in shirt hugged her curves. Tonight, she looked frazzled and tired. I could see the faint circles under her eyes, like she hadn’t been sleeping well. It didn’t matter. She was still beautiful. I didn’t see any empty tables near her, so I found another one and sat.

A male server came over and took my drink order while I watched her. He came back with my raspberry lemonade, and before he could leave again, I stopped him. “Can you get a message to Livvie over there for me? Tell her Gareth is here. I know she’s busy, so she doesn’t have to come talk to me. Just let her know I’m here.”

“Sure, no problem. I’ll be back to take your order in a minute.”


He disappeared into the kitchen. Within a minute, Livvie stepped through the swinging door, her eyes scanning the dining room until they landed on me. For a second, happiness flashed across her face, but then was gone. It stung, but I smiled and waved anyway. She glanced at her tables, and then quickly made her way over, her ponytail dancing around her head.

“What are you doing here?” She whisper-yelled.

“I’m eating dinner and waiting for you to get off work so we can talk. You’ve been ignoring my phone calls.”

“You can’t just sit here all night.”

I shrugged. “Sure I can. I’m a paying customer.”

“Well, I don’t want to talk to you.” Livvie spun away, but I grabbed her hand before she could make her escape. She looked down at where I held her and then back up at me.

“Please, Livvie,” I pleaded.

Her shoulders sagged, and she tugged her hand away. I let her go. “Fine. Look, I have to get back to work.”

I held my hands up in surrender. “I’m not going to get in your way. I’ll stay right here until you get off.”

She strode away without another word. Shortly, my server came back and took my order. I sat quietly, eating, and watching Livvie work. Throughout the night she cast several glances in my direction. After what felt like days, she started sweeping her section and filling up the condiments and sugar containers on each of her tables. She was going a lot slower than she usually did. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why.

Eventually, she was done and couldn’t avoid me any longer. I met her halfway. “Can I give you a ride to the dorm?”

She hesitated before nodding. “Thanks.”

We walked out to my car, and I opened the door for her, closing it behind her once she had settled in.

“How did your test go?” I asked once we were on the road.

Livvie glanced at me with a surprised expression, like she couldn’t believe I remembered. “I think it went okay. We won’t get our results back until Monday.”

An uncomfortable silence descended. I was trying to figure out where to start. Livvie beat me to it.

“Weren’t you supposed to go to the theatre with your parents tonight?”

“I canceled. Told them to go without me.”

“Why? You should be spending time with them. They’re only here for another week.”

“Because coming to see you was more important.”

She swiveled in her seat. “What? No. They’re your parents, Gareth. They came here to see you.”

“I know they did, and I’ve spent every day this week with them. And I’ll probably spend tomorrow and the rest of the time they’re here with them as well. But tonight, I needed to see you.”


“Because I didn’t like fighting with you, Livvie. I’ve missed you.”

Her words came out on a whisper, so soft I barely heard them. “I missed you too.”