Page 4 of Forever

I jackknifed up. “Olivia?”

“Yeah. Hi. I’m sorry to call so late. Is now a good time?”

My face hurt from smiling. “Now’s a great time.”

Chapter 3


“Oh my god,he didnotrun across the field in nothing but a banana hammock?” My belly hurt from laughing so hard.

“I swear. One of the coaches and an umpire chased him down the third base line before a security guard finally tackled him outside the dugout.” Gareth chuckled.

I’d lost track of how long we’d been talking. It had been easy and effortless, like I’d known him my whole life. He was funny and charming.

“So, what happened then?”

“The security guard yanked him up off the ground and escorted him down the tunnel and out of sight. I never heard what happened to him after, but he didn’t come back. We ended up winning the game nine to six.”

I collapsed back on my bed in laughter. The longer we’d talked, the more comfortable I’d become. After kicking off my shoes I’d moved from my desk to sit on the bed. My roommate, Jackie, would be home soon, and for some reason I didn’t want to share Gareth with her. At least not yet. It may sound selfish, but I wanted to keep him to myself a little longer.

“Hey, you okay? You got quiet all the sudden."

“Oh, no, I’m fine,” I rushed to reassure him. “Just thinking.”

“Ah. Care to share?”

I snuggled into my pillow trying to remember the last time I felt this content. “Just about how much I’ve enjoyed tonight. I haven’t laughed this much in…well, in a long time.”

“I’m glad.” His voice was soft. “Hey, while I’m thinking about it. Ryder invited me to the AEPi party next weekend. It’s not really my scene anymore, not since I graduated. Hell, probably even before then. But I was wondering if you’d like to go with me?”

I’d been to one frat party since the semester began, and it hadn’t been all that exciting. A bunch of drunk college boys being obnoxious. Some guy had cornered me coming out of the bathroom. I’d been terrified and shoved him out of the way. Thankfully he’d been either drunk enough or sober enough to get the hint and he left me alone. I’d rushed out of the house and back to my dorm room, thankfully not encountering anyone else. I shuddered, remembering the need to get safely behind a closed door.

“You still there? We don’t have to go. Maybe we could just go have some dinner instead.”

“I’m here, sorry. Frat parties aren’t really my thing either. Dinner sounds nice though.” I tacked on the last suddenly feeling nervous. Not because I didn’t want to go, but because of how much I was looking forward to it.

I could almost see the dimple in his cheek and hear smile in Gareth’s response. “It’s a date then.”

My cheeks almost hurt from the grin spreading across my own face. “It’s a date.”

“Do you want me to pick you up, or would you prefer to meet at the restaurant?”

“I’ll probably just take a cab. I live in a dorm so it’s usually easier that way.”

“You still live on campus?”

Was that bad? “Yeah. Room and board are part of my scholarship. Plus, as a freshman, the school ‘strongly encouraged’ it. I’m saving up money for an apartment next year, so I figured if it was already paid for, why not?”

“You’re a freshman?” Gareth choked out.

I sat up, uneasiness settling in my belly. “Is that a problem?”

I wasn’t your typical eighteen-year-old freshman. Having lived the life I had, I was more driven than most to succeed. I wanted to do something with my life. Something that made a difference.

“No, I’m just surprised is all. I thought you were a sophomore at the least.”

Gareth’s tone, while not completely standoffish, was different now. I couldn’t describe it. All I knew was that it stung.