Page 23 of Forever

Gareth patted my ass and laid another kiss on me. "We have time."

I hurried and grabbed a few more things from my closet. It was a lot colder in Washington than it was in North Carolina. I was a Southern girl, through and through. The most snow I’d seen in my life was about seven inches.

My conversation with Jackie brought up something I really needed to talk to Gareth about. "So, what are our sleeping arrangements going to be?"

He smiled that sneaky smile that told me he was up to something. "You’re sleeping in my bed with me every night that we’re there. We’re going to have loud monkey sex that keeps my parents awake until early in the morning. Then we’ll both do the walk of shame down the stairs and greet my parents for breakfast while you wear a skimpy negligee and I wear nothing but my boxers."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You are such a jerk."

Gareth busted out laughing. "Oh, the look on your face. I have no doubt my conservative mother already has the spare room dusted and ready for your arrival with clean sheets and an empty dresser drawer and closet space."

"Good. And your punishment for being a butt is no Christmas sex for you. Especially not in your parents’ house."

He looked so crestfallen, I had the clench my lips together to stop from laughing. He deserved it. "Oh, have pity on a poor man. You know I was only teasing. You wouldn’t deprive me of your beautiful body for that long, would you?"

"You’re damn right I would," I huffed out, arms crossed over my chest.

Gareth dropped to his knees, laced his fingers in prayer, and scuttled over to me, begging the whole way. "Fair lady, please don’t punish a pitiful soul such as me. I’ll do whatever you ask if only you forgive me."

He stared up at me with the most pitiful expression, blinking rapidly, trying to look repentant. Instead, he only looked ridiculous like he had something in his eye. "You’re such a goof ball." He reached up to tickle me, and I laughed.

"Tell me you’re sorry for torturing me like that," he growled, my giggles growing louder. "Tell me."

“I’m—I’m sorry," I gasped out between breaths.

His tickling ceased, and I stared down at him, my laughter dying down. God, I loved this man so much, and I’d do anything for him, including fly across country to spend Christmas with his parents. He rose to his feet and gave me a deep kiss, his hands clutching my hips.

"I know you’re nervous, but everything is going to be fine."

I glared at him. "I remember the last time you said that. "

Gareth winced. "That was such a long time ago. My parents love me and adore you."

I turned back to my bed and quickly finished throwing the last few things in there. "Come help hold this down so I can zip it, will you, please?"

Once my suitcase was closed, Gareth picked it up and carried it out to the living room where Jackie sat on the couch watching some reality show. "Have a great time, love birds. Don’t forget to call me the minute you land, bitch."

"Yes, mother," I called out. "Merry Christmas. Love you.”

“Love you, too. Merry Christmas.”

* * *

Five hourslater I’d never been so happy to be on the ground again. I was most definitely not a fan of flying. Between the takeoff, the weird clanging noises that made me think the plan was falling apart, and the jerky landing, I was dreading the return trip.

"There they are." Gareth tugged my hand, and I followed him until I spotted his folks as well. They were all smiles standing there waving at us.

"You made it. Welcome home," Dr. Brown greeted his son with a hug while Mrs. Brown pulled me into her arms. His mom greeted him next, and we switched hugging partners.

"Did you guys have a nice flight?" Gareth’s mom asked us.

The jerk next to me laughed. "Mine was fine, but Livvie’s not so much."

His mom sent me a sympathetic glance. "Oh, honey, I’m so sorry."

I glared at Gareth before smiling at the older woman. "Thank you, Brenda."

It still felt weird calling her by her first name, but after her son and I celebrated our one-year anniversary, she’d insisted. We headed to the baggage carousel, picked up our luggage, and were finally on our way to the house. It was just turning to dusk, so I could see a little bit of the city. I’d never seen so many pine trees in my life.