“Are you sure?”
She smiled sweetly up at me and palmed my cheek. “Yes, I’m sure.”
I threaded my fingers through hers and we walked back to my car.Could she feel my nervousness through our hands?My palms were sweaty. I didn’t want to fuck things up. This was a night I wanted both of us to remember…forever.
Chapter 7
Am I really doing this?
A giddiness settled in my belly on the drive to Gareth’s house. It was going all topsy-turvy inside my stomach. I was a little nervous, but mostly excited. What calmed my nerves the most was that he seemed more anxious about me coming over to his house than I was. At least if his sweaty palms were any indication. It was kind of sweet actually.
We pulled up to a small ranch house with a single, dim light shining through the window. It wasn’t a big house, but it was cute.
“Wait there,” Gareth instructed. After I removed my seat belt, I sat still while he raced around to my side of the car and opened the door for me. He took my hand and helped me out.
Once inside, he flipped on the overhead light and I got my first look at his place. Definitely a bachelor pad. The giant, flat-screen tv mounted on the wall drew my attention. Along with the huge gaming console with several controllers and games scattered along the top of the entertainment center.
“Sorry, it’s a little messy.”
I glanced over to see him sheepishly pick up a couple empty glasses and water bottle off the coffee table. I shrugged off his concern. “It wasn’t like you expected company. Besides, my dorm room is a disaster.”
Gareth smiled in relief. “Let me just take these to the kitchen. Can I get you something to drink? Water, soda, or beer?”
“I’ll take a water, please. Do you mind if I use your bathroom?”
“Go ahead.” He gestured with his elbow. “Down the hall, second door on the right.”
While he ran to the kitchen, I took care of business. After a quick fluff of my hair and make up check, I decided I still looked presentable. I returned to the living room to find Gareth sitting on the black leather couch holding a bottle of water out for me.
“Thank you.” I sat, cracked open the lid, and took a sip, wetting my suddenly dry lips.
My eyes traveled around the room again and landed on a framed picture of a baseball player holding a bat ready to swing. “Who’s that?”
“That is only the best catcher to ever play in the major leagues. Spent eighteen years with the New York Yankees.”
I laughed at his enthusiasm. “Does he have a name?”
Gareth gasped and placed his hand over his heart. The look he sent me was so affronted as though I shouldn’t even have to ask. “Oh, that hurts. I need to educate you on all things baseball. That, my dear, is the Yogi Berra.”
“Yogi? What kind of name is that?” I chuckled.
“His real name was Lawrence, but that doesn’t have the same ring to it as Yogi.”
I shook my head. “If you say so.”
He smiled. “Have you ever been to a baseball game?”
“Not really. Definitely not a professional game. I went to part of a game in high school, but left early.”
“Didn’t you enjoy it?”
I took another sip of water before answering. “I only went because a boy I liked played on the team. But he completely ignored me to flirt with Tammy Gibbons. So I left.”
“What an idiot. He lost out on a great girl.”
I flushed at the compliment.