Page 72 of Inescapable Love

He looked away from me. “It wasn’t supposed to be.”

“If you want to see Delaney, this isn’t the way to do it. You need to talk to me before you just show up. I need to prepare her.”

He scowled. “She’s my daughter. She doesn’t need to prepare to see me.”

“When she hasn’t seen you in months?” I needed the warning so I could prepare.

“Whose fault is that? You’re the one who moved to this godforsaken place.” He lifted his arms around him.

“This is my hometown. And you left South Carolina first. You expected me to live in that house, so close to your parents, until you came to your senses and realized what you lost?”

The front door opened, and Mac stepped out. His expression was one of concern. “The bus is here.”

I brushed past Carter, but he grabbed my arm to stop me. “I’m not done talking.”

I sensed Mac move closer, waiting for the right moment to step in, but I could handle myself.

Shaking him free, I said, “I need to get my daughter.”

“You meanourdaughter?”

I didn’t bother arguing because I was already flying down the steps in my rush to get to Delaney, to protect her from her father. I didn’t want her to get hurt, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop it.

I met her on the sidewalk.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, probably sensing my panic.

“Your father is here. I didn’t know he was coming,” I said softly, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest.

“He is?” Excitement filled her face as she looked past me. “Daddy!” she cried as she rushed toward the porch, past Mac.

Carter didn’t get down on her level like Mac did to accept her hug. She settled for hugging his waist while he patted her head awkwardly.

“How long are you staying? Can we go skiing?” Delaney asked, gazing up at him.

“Maybe,” Carter said absentmindedly, his gaze on me. “Can we talk?”

“We have nothing to discuss. I have a snack and dinner to prepare. If you want to talk, you can call or email.”

“But I want to see Daddy,” Delaney pouted.

The problem was, I didn’t think Carter was here to see her. He wanted me to move back to South Carolina, but I had a feeling he was still living in Texas.

“I’ll get a hotel room in town. But I’m not going anywhere.” He moved off the porch, pulling out his phone, probably to call for a car.

I didn’t like the threat that tinged his tone.

Mac ushered us inside. “Did you know he was coming?”

Tears stung my eyes. “No.”

“You want to go to my place for dinner? He can’t show up there unannounced.” Mac’s voice was carefully controlled, his body tense with irritation.

“We can’t crash your plans,” I started, just as Delaney said, “Yes.”

After waiting for Carter to leave, Mac gathered Rocky’s things and Delaney’s backpack and led her to his truck. I followed them, making sure the apartment was locked up. I couldn’t believe Carter was here. I never expected him to care what was going on with us after he’d so easily walked away. What had changed?

Mac reached over and interlaced my fingers with his. It didn’t feel right. I wanted the comfort but felt like I didn’t deserve it, not with my past showing up in the form of my ex. “It’s going to be okay.”