Page 80 of Gimme Some Sugar

Jackson slanted his mouth over hers, taking her lip from between her teeth with his own to coax her mouth open. “Say it again,” he demanded, and Carly replied without hesitation.

“I love it when you do that.”

With his mouth still on her like wildfire, Jackson palmed the back of her shoulders, scooping her body closer. “What about now?” He swung her back to the slick shower tile, propping his hands on either side of her rib cage before dipping his mouth to one nipple.

Sparks shot through Carly’s body, landing right between her legs. “Yes.”

But Jackson lifted his head, hovering over the tip of her nipple. Instinctively, Carly arched up to close the space between them.

“I love it when you do that,” she finished, the pads of her fingers tightening on his wet skin as he rewarded her with a hot, swirling lick, and oh, God, she wasn’t going to last much longer like this.

As if he could read her mind, Jackson bent lower, kneeling in front of her while nudging her legs apart with the frame of his body.

“Anything else?” He feathered kisses low over her belly, making it impossible for Carly to form a coherent thought other thanfuck, yes.

“Yes?” Jackson echoed, and she realized she must’ve uttered the word out loud. He trailed a callused finger along the crease where her leg joined her hip, and she slid her legs apart, desperate.

“Please make me come.Please.”

For a heartbeat, their stares connected, his honey-colored lashes wet from the shower spray, blue eyes so intense that tears heated the corners of her eyelids. Jackson looked up at her, all the way through her, and even though Carly felt lost on a sea of ripping emotions, she knew he was her anchor.

And then his mouth was on her, and she promptly forgot her name.

With his strong, steadying palms braced around her trembling hips, he pleasured her in perfect strokes, holding her against the tile as she thrust against his tongue. When the need in her pussy became a screaming demand, Carly didn’t hold back, and Jackson didn’t relent. Palming her ass, he fucked her with his mouth, harder and faster until she flew apart. He worked her through every cry, wringing every last gasp from her until she slid into his waiting arms.

In her post-orgasmic haze, she vaguely registered Jackson lifting her up and tossing the shower curtain aside. Fragments of motion made it past her senses, and the cool air met her wet skin. But then they were in the sweet darkness of Jackson’s bed, where she reached up to peel his soaked T-shirt from his body.

“I love the way your body feels on mine,” she whispered, feeling a hot lick of satisfaction uncurl in her belly as Jackson flung the rest of his clothes to the floor.

“Carly.” His voice prowled out of him, low and predatory, but she opened her knees, beckoning him closer.

“I love the way you look at me,” she said, turning her back for a split second to take a condom out of the bedside table drawer. Her wet hair hung over one shoulder, and she peeked through the curtain of it to see Jackson’s eyes trained on her every move. “Like that,” she breathed, unable to keep the need from her voice.

“Carly.” Her name was part prayer, part warning, but she didn’t heed either one. She scooted back to the edge of the bed, running her fingertips over his cock lightly enough that he hissed.

“And I love the way you say my name.” Her touch grew stronger, more purposeful, as she stroked Jackson with sure, even movements until he was fully sheathed and gasping for more. She edged forward, letting her knees list open, and with one swift push, he was inside of her.

“Oh,God.” Carly arched her hips to match Jackson’s thrusts, breathless at how good he felt, his chest on hers, their arms twined together as he fucked her in slow, hard thrusts. The needy ache uncoiled, low in her belly, and she chased it faster and faster until her orgasm unraveled from deep inside her body.

“I love you. I love you,” Carly whispered, clutching Jackson’s shoulders. He stiffened, pushing his hips flush against hers with a deep shudder, gripping her hard. Lowering his mouth to hers, he swallowed her moans, and she arched up until there was no space between their bodies at all. Just them, together. Perfect.

Tears sprang into Carly’s eyes and tracked down her cheeks, surprising her. The connection she’d felt when Jackson had looked up at her in the shower was nothing compared to this, and it filled her right down to the smallest, darkest places.

It was only after he’d brushed his lips over the crown of her head and gotten up to turn off the still-running shower that Carly realized exactly what she’d said.


Luke Calloway pushed back from the laptop on his desk, shaking his head at Jackson and grinning ear to ear.

“I’ve got to hand it to you, man. All the work you threw into getting us this bid is going to pay off in spades. You’ll head up the job, of course, so it won’t be small potatoes in the labor department. But this one’s going to be the crown jewel of our year for PR. Nice job.”

“Yeah. I’m glad the offer came through.” He stared absently at the contract flashing across Luke’s screen, complete with the Pine Mountain Resort’s logo at the top. The project plan, complete with expected milestones and completion dates and detailed schematics from Brooks Farm, should look downright intimidating.

It paled in comparison to what churned through Jackson’s brain as he stood in Luke’s cramped office.

“Look, I know you’re beat from that kitchen remodel, and I’m really grateful you’re here on a Saturday morning. Why don’t you take the weekend to catch up on sleep and gear up to start this on Monday? Touch base with Owen Brooks, get the schedule in place for excavation and planting, and go from there. I’ll return the signed contract to the resort to make it official, and we’ll be good to go,” Luke said.

“Sure thing, boss.” He threw on a smile, praying it didn’t look as forced as it felt. Luke, who acted like he’d just won the lottery, didn’t seem to notice, giving Jackson the first tinge of relief he’d felt ever since Carly had breathed those three fateful words in his ear.