Page 73 of Gimme Some Sugar

Jackson opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the gentle-yet-definitely-masculine rumble of a throat being cleared behind him.

“Well. I just lost twenty bucks.” Carly’s oldest brother, Vince, lifted an eyebrow at the discarded wrapper and Saltines crumbs on the tray. “I didn’t think you’d eat. Not even for the big guy.”

Jackson moved to let go of Carly’s hand, but she gripped his fingers like a C-clamp as she nodded her brothers into the adjacent chairs.

“Told you,” Dominic replied, the barest hint of a wry smile beneath his tired expression. He flicked a glance over Jackson and Carly’s hands before sliding into the seat next to her. “Hey,cucciola. How’re you doing?”

“I’m tired. Did they kick you out already?” Carly’s forehead creased in lines of concern and she pushed her tray back with her free hand, soup forgotten.

“She’s been asleep for hours, so we decided to call it a night. Frankie had to head home because Gina had a night class and little Frank’s been sick, but he’s coming back in the morning.” Dominic paused. “Have you given any thought to where you want to spend the night?”

Carly’s head snapped up. “Oh. I hadn’t really thought about it.”

Well, shit. Jackson hadn’t, either. The day had been so crazy, he hadn’t given it any thought.

“It’s been a long day,” Vince agreed, pulling up a chair. “Why don’t you leave your car here and you two can hitch a ride to the ‘burbs with one of us?”

She paused, her eyes skipping between both brothers. “Actually, I think we’ll just stay atmama’s. It’s a lot closer, just in case.” The waver in her voice returned, full force. “Then we’ll meet you here tomorrow.”

Vince nailed Dominic with a brotherly look Jackson knew all too well, and Dominic shifted in his seat. “Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

Carly’s frown intensified. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

Vince met her frown with one of his own, just as sturdy, and in that flash the family resemblance was uncanny. “Maybe one of us should stay with you too, then.”

Jackson noticed it wasn’t a question, and he stiffened against the unforgiving cafeteria chair.

Carly’s unrelenting stubbornness swooped in to cut Vince’s suggestion off at the pass. “I think I can handle staying atmama’s for one night, Vin. Plus, Jackson will be with me. It’ll be fine.”

Vince muttered something about that being what he was worried about, and Jackson sat up straighter in his seat in an involuntary response. Thankfully, his brain screamed the reminder that he had sisters too, and it kept Jackson’s mouth clamped shut.

Carly wasn’t so restrained, though. “Vince. Don’t be ridiculous.” Her hand tightened over Jackson’s, and she opened her mouth—presumably to argue some more—

but Dominic gently interrupted both of his siblings before Jackson could beat him to it.

“Carly’s right. It’s a good idea for one of us to stay close. And if she says she’s okay with Jackson, then she’s okay.”

Jackson tightened his hand over Carly’s. “You don’t have to worry. I’ve got her.”

Vince grunted and looked for all the world like he wanted to argue, but Carly shook her head, resolute.

“There’s plenty of room atmama’s. We’ll be fine there.”

After an ear-piercing silence during which Vince didn’t argue and Carly didn’t back down, Dominic nodded. “Okay, then. Since that’s settled, should we meet here tomorrow? It’s been a long day, and we could all use some sleep.”

Reluctantly, Vince nodded as he stood, pinning Jackson with a weary stare. “Yeah. Sorry. Today’s just been tough.”

“No problem at all. I understand,” Jackson said, and he did. Hell, he couldn’t even imagine what he’d do or say if it was his mother in that hospital bed. He shuddered at the thought.

Vince extended a hand to Jackson, who shook it with the silent acknowledgment that he’d take care of Carly. “See you tomorrow.”

Both Vince and Dominic kissed Carly goodnight, and after they’d all parted ways, she sank back into the chair across from Jackson.

“Sorry about that. I should’ve figured they’d be overprotective, especially after…well…” Her words faded as if she was too defeated to even finish a thought, and Jackson stood, beckoning her into his arms. Getting her some uninterrupted rest was priority number one right now. The clock on the wall read 8:12, but reality made it feel more like two AM after a fourteen-hour workday in the sun.

“Hey. It’s fine. Come on. Let’s get you home so you can get a little sleep, okay?” He gathered her close for a quick embrace, and she peered up at him in bewilderment before blinking in recognition.

“Oh, right. You mean my mother’s house.” She shook her head, sliding her tray from the table to clear it on the way out.