Page 51 of Gimme Some Sugar

“I want you.” Carly slipped a hand to the tight space between them and skimmed her palm down Jackson’s chest, resting her fingers on the waistband of his well-worn Levi’s for just a second before yanking his shirt over his head. The sweet friction of skin on skin sent a shockwave through Carly, and when Jackson hissed out an audible breath, a wave of pleasure coursed through her. Emboldened by his response, she brushed her hands over the hard muscles in his chest, exploring his shoulder and neck with greedy kisses.

Jackson threaded his fingers through her hair, tightening them as her kisses migrated lower. “Carly,” he ground out, his voice a husky demand. She longed to trail her hand up the hard line of his thigh, to make him say her name over and over. She dipped her fingertips low against the inseam of his jeans, brushing them slowly to the top of his button fly, stroking his cock with one hand while working the buttons on his jeans with the other.

“I thought I was supposed to be givingyouthe whole experience,” Jackson bit out, catching her hand in his.

Carly raised her eyes to meet his. “Oh, trust me. I’m experiencing things.”

His arms were around her in a blink, rolling her body away from his with just enough force to make her both breathless and wildly turned on. Gripping her hips from behind, he slid a hand over the seam of her jeans to tease her with a hot, unyielding stroke. With his arm slung low over her hips, Jackson freed the button on her jeans, guiding her zipper all the way down. The tip of his tongue edged over her shoulder, and the heat of his mouth made quick work of Carly’s control. She thrust backward into his hips, pressing her ass against his rock-hard cock with a moan.

“How about now?” he asked. “Still experiencing things?”

“Yes. God, yes.”

Jackson didn’t hesitate, lowering her jeans until the only thing between his hands and her hot, slick pussy was a pair of dark red panties.

“No white cotton today?” He settled behind her, rubbing his thumb over the fabric at her hip.

“No.” Carly flushed with embarrassment. She’d had to rip the price tag off the ones she was wearing, and they’d been in her drawer for over two years. Comfortable or not, no way was she going to risk another sighting of those horrible granny panties. Jackson snaked his arm around the curve of her waist, delving past the front of the waistband to slide his fingers against her pussy, and she gasped at the contact.

“These are just as hot. In fact”—his forefinger made a tight circle over her clit, once, then twice, before he withdrew his hand and moved it over the outside of her thigh—“I think you should keep them on for a little while longer.”

In a flash just as fast as the one that had put him behind her, Jackson parted her legs, and she hooked her ankle over his knee to give him better access to her pussy. Pressing his chest harder against her back, he reached back around her hip to return his hand beneath her waistband. Jackson dragged the blunt edge of his fingertip over her clit, working her in slow, hard strokes. Carly watched the corded muscles in his forearm flex as he shifted to slid one finger deep inside, and she grabbed his wrist with a gasp.

“Oh.” Her inner muscles clenched, but God, she wanted more. She thrust in search of it, the heel of Jackson’s hand providing the friction she so desperately needed while she rode his finger. He quickly added another, crooking both just slightly while pumping them in and out. The suggestive motion beneath the fabric of her panties combined with the pressure of his fingers on the highly sensitive spot he’d just uncovered deep inside her pussy, and she chased the release growing at the base of her spine.

“That’s it,” Jackson said over her shoulder, moving faster. Harder. “I can feel how close you are. How bad you want it.” He ground the spot at the base of his thumb against her clit, and she held him in place as she fucked his hand. “Let me feel you come, baby.”

Combined with his movements, the words were too much. With one last thrust, she tumbled over the edge, each wave of pleasure stronger than the last. Finally, she ran out of breath, her body growing hyper-sensitive, and Jackson slid his hand from between her legs back to her hip.

“Come here,” he said, shifting her to face him and kissing her slowly. She returned the kiss, her body already starting to come back online, and she reached down to free the rest of Jackson’s clothes while he slipped her panties from her hips. Still facing her, Jackson ran a hand down the outside of her body from shoulder to breast to waist before stopping at the flare of her hip.

“Still sure?” he asked.

She didn’t hesitate, dropping her hand to the spot between their bodies and circling her fingers around his cock. “Very.”

Carly let her other hand join the first, exploring Jackson’s body. Stroking him from root to tip, she ran her opposite fingers over the chiseled muscles at his hip, then over his thigh. She trailed them closer, lightly cupping them beneath his balls as she moved the hand on his cock a little faster, and Jackson exhaled a hot breath into her hair.

“Christ, I can’t think when you do that.” He thrust into her palm with a moan, sending a bolt of heat back to her pussy. “So fucking good.”

She continued for another minute before guiding him onto his back. His body was perfect, all strong angles and hard muscles, and as badly as she wanted to take her time to explore every inch of him, Carly wanted a veryspecificset of his inches inside of her, right now. Releasing his cock, she slung a leg over his lap to straddle his hips. She leaned forward, letting her nipples brush against his hard chest, and his mouth stole the moan from her lips as they kissed. She paused for the briefest minute to grab a condom from her bedside table drawer—okay, fine, so she’d replenished her stash when they’d made their date—and Jackson got it quickly into place, then lifted her back into his lap.

The heat of his cock, so close to where she was dying to have it, made even more moisture gather between her thighs. She arched forward, reaching between them to press the head of his cock against her entrance, lowering her body inch by inch until he filled her pussy completely.

“Ohhhhhh.” Carly’s moan rippled through her entire body before it dissipated, and she was so caught up in the pleasure/pain of his cock stretching her to her limits that for a long second, she couldn’t move.

Jackson released one hand from where it rested on her hip, brushing his fingers across Carly’s face. “You good?”

A streak of worry ribboned through the pleasure on his face, catching in her chest.

“I amsofucking okay.”

Bracing her hands on either side of Jackson’s body and rocking against him, she tested out a slow thrust. His hands found her hips again, and he steadied her while arching up to meet her. She adjusted to the pressure of his cock inside her, finding a rhythm that made her shiver, then one that made her moan. Jackson slid one hand between them to circle her clit as he fucked her, and oh, God, oh,God.

“There. Right there,” she said, her voice thick with need and her body already beginning to shake.

“So pretty,” he said, circling faster. “Take it, Carly. Come with my cock deep inside of you.”

Heat raced down her spine, her orgasm following it. Pressure built at the spot where they were joined, then began to unravel. Her pussy squeezed and released over and over, and Jackson thrust even deeper as she cried out.