Page 30 of Kade

Talon snorted. “Rest in peace to whoever you ever see hit on her when you’re there.”

Yeah. He was right about that. The thought of other guys hitting on her or possibly even touching her made his blood turn cold. He needed to talk to her about her job and find out if she was working there because she wanted to or if it was just a money thing. Because if she was only working there for money, she could quit tomorrow, and he could take care of both of them. He wasn’t rich by any means, but he had a healthy savings account, and his business was consistently getting busier every day.

His phone vibrated with a text message from one of the prospects.

Ink: We’ve seen a black pickup truck driving past her apartment a few times. The plates are still covered but we noticed there’s red paint on the left side back bumper.

“Fuck,” he murmured.

All the men looked at him with confused expressions.

Letting out a sigh, he read them the message.

“Fuck. Well, at least we have something to help identify the truck.” Steele muttered.

Kade shook his head as he reread the message. “Steele, can you reach out to the sheriff and ask for him and his guys to keep an eye out for a truck with mud over its plates? That alone is enough to pull them over.”

“Of course. You sure you want to let her go to work tomorrow?” Steele asked.

Shrugging, he sighed. “We can’t hide here forever, and she won’t go anywhere without security. So far this person hasn’t tried to hurt her physically. We just need to find whoever it is and stop it from continuing.”

Everyone nodded, then they heard a loud thump from the playroom and suddenly everyone was on their feet running toward the sound. When Steele and Kade made it to the doorway first, they found both girls on the floor with several books surrounding them like they’d been dropped from above.

“What is going on here?” Steele demanded.

Ivy instantly looked guilty while Remi looked at Kade nervously.

“We were trying to reach some books on the top shelf,” Remi admitted quietly.

Looking at the bookcases, Kade shifted his attention to the top shelf, which was at least three feet taller than the women. “How exactly were you trying to reach them?”

Both women were on their feet now, and Kade noticed Ivy sliding her hands behind her bottom as she shifted from foot to foot.

Steele pointed at her. “Little girl, did you two try to climb up the bookshelves?”

Remi glanced over at Ivy and then back at Kade, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth.

“No, we were trying to boost each other up on our shoulders so we could reach,” Ivy admitted.

As he narrowed his eyes at Remi, she lowered her gaze from his and started fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

The other men had already left the scene, leaving only Kade and Steele staring into the room at the Little girls.

“Have we not visited this subject before about reaching for the books that are higher? Because I’m pretty sure you spent some time over my lap the last time you did it,” Steele said firmly.

Ivy glanced over at Remi and then down at her feet. “Sorry, Daddy.”

Nodding, Steele stepped back. “Not as sorry as you’re going to be. Our apartment. Now.”

Shuffling forward, Ivy left the room with Steele right behind her, leaving Kade staring at his own naughty Little girl.

Crooking a finger at her, he pointed at the floor in front of him. “Come here.”

Her eyes widened, but she shuffled forward until she was only inches away from him.

“Do you think climbing on each other’s shoulders was a safe thing to do, Princess?”

Dropping her shoulders, she shook her head. “No. I didn’t think we would fall, though.”