Page 28 of Kade

“Good. Let’s get you dressed and go eat breakfast.”

He held up a pair of pink leggings with a matching pink sweater. She shook her head. “I need black clothes.”

“Don’t you want to be Little today?”

Of course she did, but she couldn’t go out of his apartment in all pink. “If we’re going out there in front of people, I can’t be Little.”

“Why not? Almost all the guys out there are Daddies. Ivy runs around here in Little Space almost all the time.”

He was right about that, but no one in the MC had ever seen her in anything but black, and they might judge her. “They might think I’m weird for wearing pink or that I’m Little and never told them.”

“Look at me,” he demanded. “No one is going to judge you. We don’t do that here. Honestly, I think they’ll love seeing this side of you. And I know Ivy would love to have some play time with you.”

She would enjoy having a friend to play with. It had been way too long since she and Carlee had a Little Space play date. She really needed to text her friend and try to schedule a girls’ day.

Her Daddy was right about them not judging her. Deep down, she really did know that but it was still scary.

“Trust me, Princess?”

How could she possibly say no to that? She couldn’t, so she nodded. “Okay, Daddy.”

Smiling at her, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “My brave girl.”

As he dressed her in a pair of pink panties, leggings, and sweater, she was in pink heaven. It was all so cute and comfortable. She protested when he lowered the sweater over her head without putting a bra on her, but he told her she was too Little to wear a bra. When she started to protest again, he gave her a stern look that quickly had her closing her mouth.

When she was dressed, he pulled her hair into a ponytail on top of her head and added a pink bow to the base. Looking at herself in the mirror, she automatically felt so Little. “Can I bring Binks?”

“Of course. Come on.” He offered his hand and led her from the apartment.

Having Binks in her arms helped her anxiety as they made their way to the community space. As soon as they walked in, several men looked up from what they were doing. She stepped closer to Kade, hiding behind him slightly.

Storm walked up behind them and gave her ponytail a light tug. “Hey, Remi girl. You look adorable.”

He winked at her and continued walking toward the kitchen. Storm was… well, he was just like his name. If you were in his circle, you were safe, but anyone who messed with him or his circle… they got to experience the Storm.

Kade pointed toward the large dining table where Faust and Gabriel were eating breakfast. “Go sit down and I’ll bring you your breakfast.”

Looking up at him with pleading eyes, she shook her head. “I wanna stay with you.”

When had she become so needy?

He squeezed her hand and nodded. “Okay, baby. Come on.”

Doc passed them as they made their way to the kitchen, and to her relief, he didn’t say anything. Instead, he just smiled indulgently at her and then nodded toward Kade.

When they walked into the kitchen, Bear was there, pouring pancake batter onto a griddle. “Morning.” He glanced at Remi and offered a smile. “Morning, Remi.”

Bear looked intimidating, but he really was just a big teddy bear on the inside. She’d always loved the man. He was incredibly sweet to all the women and Littles. “Morning, Bear.”

“Give me five minutes and I’ll bring you out some pancakes,” Bear told them.

Nodding, Kade went over to the coffeepot and poured a cup of coffee before opening a cupboard full of sippy cups, taking a moment to choose one. He filled the cup with milk and twisted on the lid before grabbing his cup of coffee.

“Come on, Princess.”

After following him out to the dining table, she stood awkwardly, unsure of what to say to the two men who glanced their way. Luckily, the awkwardness didn’t last because Faust pulled out the chair next to him and patted the seat. “Sit down, Remi.”

She glanced up at Kade and he nodded, so she sat down and smiled shyly. “Thanks.”