Page 23 of Kade

“You still need to think about it, Remi. I’m not fucking you until you’re sure.”

Shooting him an exasperated look, she sighed. “I am sure, Kade.”

“No. I need you to be sure, sure. I need you to be in love with me before I take your virginity. That’s a special gift that I’m not just going to take from you.”

Dropping her head back onto the mattress, she let out a long dramatic sigh. “Had I known you would be this stubborn about it, I wouldn’t have told you.”

Raising his eyebrows, he brought his hand down on the back of her thigh with a loud smack. “If you hadn’t told me, I’d be blistering your ass when I found out. You don’t keep things from me. Got it?”

And that was one of the reasons she cared for him so much. Reaching down, she rubbed the back of her thigh but he quickly caught hold of her wrist and raised it over her head, pinning it to the bed. “No rubbing. You need to feel that as you fall asleep. I need to go meet with the guys, and you need to go ni-night.”

Sticking out her bottom lip, she pouted. “You’re not gonna stay with me?”

He brushed his lips over hers. “I won’t be long. I need to update everyone on what’s going on so we make sure we’re keeping the compound and all the women safe. As soon as I’m done, I’ll come snuggle you.”

“Can I have Binks and my teddy?”

Smiling, he nodded. “Of course you can. Crawl up under the covers and I’ll get them for you.”

He released her and she hesitantly crawled up to the head of the bed and slid under the soft covers, waiting for him to bring her toys. When he returned to the bedroom, he had both stuffies and something else in his hand.

Reaching for the toys, she hugged them to her chest as soon as he released them to her and when she opened her eyes, he was holding a pink pacifier up to her mouth.

“I thought you might want this for bedtime.”

She studied the device. It was larger than a normal pacifier but it was so cute, and she’d always wanted to try one, so she reached up to take it, but he pulled his hand away. When she dropped her hand, he held it up to her mouth again, waiting for her to open. Slowly, she parted her lips, and he slid the soft nipple in.

“Good girl. I’ll be back soon. I’m taking a baby monitor with me and the other part is right on the dresser so if you need anything, just call out for me.”

Nodding, she felt her eyes getting heavier by the second as she suckled on the binky. Who knew it could be so soothing?

Kade leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Night, Princess.”

Before he even left the room, she was already tumbling into a deep, comforting sleep.



He needed air. It felt as though he couldn’t breathe. She was a virgin. And not only was she a virgin, but she hadn’t had sex or been in a relationship because she’d wanted him for so long.

Carrying the baby monitor, he shut his apartment door and walked out to the community room where he found Steele sitting on the couch with Ivy curled up on his lap watching a movie. Bear was on the other end of the couch drinking a beer. Storm and Talon were shooting a game of pool. Doc and Faust were standing at the bar watching. Rock and Silver were nowhere to be seen. It wasn’t unusual for Rock to not be there, he was an early-to-bed kind of guy, but Kade had no clue where Silver was. The guy seemed to be acting strange lately and not staying at the clubhouse very often anymore. Maybe it was simply because his relationship with Carlee was new and he was spending a lot of time with her.

“Need a meeting,” Kade said as he walked through the common area to the meeting room that had a long, scratched-up wooden table in the middle of it with chairs surrounding it.

Everyone stood and followed him.

Steele set Ivy on the couch where he’d been sitting and tucked blankets around her. “I’ll be back soon. Come get me if you need anything.”

Ivy nodded and popped her thumb into her mouth as she went back to watching the movie. It was adorable, and Kade looked forward to getting the two women together for a Littles play date.

When everyone was in the room, Kade began to close the doors, sending Ivy a wink when she looked over at him as he closed her off.

Before he could say anything, the room erupted in questions.

“Is Remi okay?” Bear asked.

Talon crossed his arms over his massive chest. “Who the fuck is after her?”