Page 17 of Kade

When he finally pulled back, they were both panting as they stared at each other. Her lips felt swollen and raw but she wanted more. Moving her hips against his cock, she moaned but he moved a hand to one of her hips, stilling her.

“Be patient, Little girl.”

She stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. “Meanie.”

He threw his head back and laughed, then pushed her back farther onto the couch. “I know. Such a big ol’ meanie. Better get used to this mean Daddy because I’m not going anywhere.”

Good, because she didn’t want him to go anywhere. She’d fantasized about this man for so many years, it still didn’t feel real that she was in his apartment at the compound, talking about rules and limits for their dynamic. Life could be so wild sometimes.

He stood with her in his arms and set her down on the couch. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Stay here.”

When he came back with several bags in his hand, she eyed them, nibbling on her bottom lip. “What’s all that?”

Raising his eyebrows, he sat down next to her with a smirk on his face. “Things so you can enjoy your time being Little.”

Kade opened one of the bags and pulled out several items, all of them toys. Coloring books, dolls, Barbies, a tea set. As he handed her each toy, she got more and more excited. She loved the dolls. They were so perfect. Even though they weren’t her dolls, they would still be fun to play with.

“Oh, this one is so pretty!” she cried out when he handed her a lifelike baby doll.

He smiled at her and watched as she held the doll in her arms and rocked it. It was odd because she didn’t feel shy or embarrassed expressing her Little side to him, and he looked so pleased that she was excited. Maybe it should have felt weird, but it was Kade. It felt natural.

As she continued to rock the doll, he started pulling out more items. A sippy cup, a pacifier, a soft blanket, clothes. So many pretty things that had her oohing and aahing. When he held up a pink frilly dress with lace underneath the skirt that made it flare out, she squealed and set the baby down.

“This is the prettiest dress I’ve ever seen! I’ve never seen anything like this.”

“That’s because it’s custom. I have a friend in Seattle, and his Little girl owns a custom online Little shop, and she makes all the clothes herself. We ordered a bunch from her to have at the clubhouse.”

Looking up from the dress, she stared at him in surprise. “You keep all this stuff at the clubhouse? I thought maybe Steele let you borrow some stuff.”

“Nope. All of this stuff is yours now. All the Daddies in the club have a shared closet that we keep stocked with things in case any of us ever need it for a Little.”

Her heart fluttered in her chest. She’d always adored all the men in the MC but knowing that they did something so simple but thoughtful made her love them all even more. “I love it. Can I put it on?”

“Let’s finish looking through everything and then we can get you changed.”

She felt her cheeks heat at the idea of him helping her change. How would she keep her wet panties a secret if he helped her?

Ignoring that thought, she reached out and touched the sippy cup. It was clear pink plastic. She’d always wondered what it would be like to drink out of one. Kade must have noticed her intrigue because he took the cup from her hands and went into the kitchen. He spent several minutes washing it in the sink before he opened the fridge and pulled out a jug of juice. She watched as he filled the cup and screwed the lid on tightly before bringing it over to her. When she reached for it with one hand, he didn’t release it to her.

“Two hands.”

Lifting her other hand, she wrapped both of them around the cup and then studied it before she slowly brought the spout to her lips. She glanced at him, but he just nodded and smiled, so she took a pull from the cup and immediately felt herself sink deeper into Little Space, feeling smaller than she’d ever felt before.

He sat down next to her again, and when she lowered the cup from her mouth, he reached out and swiped his thumb over her bottom lip where a drop of juice landed. Then he held his thumb in front of her. “Open.”

She quickly obeyed, and when he slid his finger between her lips, she closed them around him and sucked the juice from his skin, their eyes locked on each other. Letting out a low growl, he pulled it free from her mouth and raked his hand through his hair. “Good girl.”

Warmth spread through her body. She was a good girl.Hisgood girl.

“Come here,” he said, holding his hand out for her after she set the sippy cup on the end table.

She stood from the couch and moved in front of him, trembling slightly. Even though she was standing and he was sitting, he was still eye level with her. He reached out and started unbuttoning her jeans, and she hoped he wouldn’t notice how wet her panties were.

He tugged her jeans down her legs. “Hold onto my shoulders and step out.”

Obeying, she put her hands on his muscular shoulders, holding back the moan she was feeling as his hands brushed against her skin. He was so buff, and she wanted to spend hours tracing the lines of his tattoos all over his body… preferably with her tongue.

Don’t think about that now. Your panties are already wet enough.