Page 15 of Kade

Sighing contentedly, she stared up at him and nodded. “Better than I have in a long time with the exception of last night.”

The next question that came out of his mouth she hadn’t been expecting.

“When’s the last time you had a Little day?”

Her eyes widened, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to answer that, but she also knew Kade would know if she were lying to him. He seemed to be able to sense that kind of stuff. “I’m usually Little whenever I’m at home. When I leave the house, that’s when people see my dark side.”

Slowly nodding, he seemed to think about that before he spoke again. “Well, you’re at your temporary home, and we aren’t leaving anytime soon so how about you spend the day in Little Space. It will be good for you to get your mind off stuff.”

Hmm. He had a point. Then a question of her own popped into her head. “When’s the last time you Daddied someone?”

His deep green eyes studied her and it almost seemed as though the flecks of gold in his irises were sparkling.

“It’s been a while and it was at a club.”

She let out a deep exhale. Was that relief she was feeling that it had been so long for him? “Why don’t you spend the day in Daddy Space with me? I’ve never been Little around a Daddy. I’ve always wondered what it would be like.”



She was asking him to Daddy her. How could he say no to that? Fuck. He couldn’t. He’d wanted to Daddy her ever since she’d turned twenty-one. The night of her birthday, he’d so badly wanted to spank her ass for having so many drinks and that’s when he realized he wanted to be her Daddy.

“You know if I Daddy you, you’ll have to be a good girl and obey the rules, or you’ll get into trouble?”

Her pupils dilated and she shifted her body, squeezing her thighs together, making his cock thicken in his jeans.

“Yes,” she whispered.

He wanted to see her Little side, and he wanted to flex his Daddy side too. He may have declared that she was his, but once he went into that space with her, there would be no turning back. She would be his forever.

“We need to sit down and go over rules, limits, and safewords first.”

He noticed her nipples pebble under the thin T-shirt she was wearing. His baby girl liked the idea of rules. If she’d never been Little around a Daddy before, she’d probably never experienced having boundaries. It would be interesting to see if she was a rule follower or if she would be naughty. He had a feeling she might be a bit naughty.

She nodded. “’Kay.”

“Did you bring any Little stuff with you? Clothes, toys, blankets?”

Shaking her head, she ran her finger over the bear patch on his cut. “No. Only my teddy bear and Binks.”

Hmm, he didn’t like that she didn’t have her normal stuff that she had around her when she was in Little Space. He could grab some supplies from the closet that all the club Daddies kept stocked for situations like this. Even though it wouldn’t beherstuff, it was all new, and it would get them by until he felt it was safe enough to go back to her apartment.

“How old is your Little side?”

She pulled her lip between her teeth. “I’m not sure. I think kind of young.”

Okay, that was good to know. She was a small Little. He liked that. It meant more control, and he liked to be in control. “What do you like to do while you’re Little?”

“I like to draw and color. And watch movies. I have some dolls too that I like to play with. They’re princess dolls.”

Smiling, he nodded. “Princess dolls for a princess.”

“Why do you call me princess?”

He hadn’t expected that question, but it made him smile. “Because when I walked in your bedroom, my first thought was, this is a princess’s bedroom.”

She grinned and nodded. “I like princesses. But I like the villains too.”