Page 51 of Kade

“Good girl.”

Letting out a sigh, she smiled softly and snuggled back into his chest.



After sending a text to Doc to see if he could come give Remi an exam, he carried her into the bathroom and set her on the counter. Her face needed to be washed, so he grabbed a washcloth and got it wet with warm water before gently cleaning her up.

“After Doc comes, if he clears you, I want to talk to you about going back to your job,” he told her.

She tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

“What I mean is, I found your sketchbook and you’re the best artist I’ve ever seen. I know art is your passion. If you enjoy working in the bar and want to continue doing that, I’ll always support you, but if you want to pursue your art and sell your work, I will happily take care of both of us.”

He knew it was risky looking through her sketchbook. Especially since several of the pictures she’d drawn were of him before they’d gotten together. She was so damn talented, though, and he had heard her talking to her dad before about trying to sell her artwork. If that’s what she wanted to do, he was damn well going to do everything in his power to make that happen.

Nibbling on her lip, she met his gaze. “I’ve been trying to sell my art online but because of work and Dad, I haven’t had time to really put effort into it to get it to take off. I’d love to be able to make custom art too.”

Reaching for her, he cupped her chin. “Then do it. Quit at the bar, baby. Move in with me and let me take care of us while you get going. We could even talk to Atlas and see if he’d be able to help you with setting up a website and all that. He’s always been good at that stuff.”

Her lips pulled back into a soft smile that had him melting.

“I don’t want to put everything on you, though. I’m a grown woman. I should be contributing too.”

Raising his eyebrows, he squeezed her chin. “You may be a grown woman, but you’re my Little girl, and taking care of you would make me the happiest man alive. Besides, the shop is doing really well so I’m pretty comfortable.”


He nodded. “Really. We’ll be fine. You might have to cut down on your eyeliner obsession so we don’t go broke, but…”

Remi scoffed and playfully smacked him. “I don’t have an eyeliner obsession. I like eyeliner a perfectly reasonable amount. I just happen to wear more than some.”

Laughing, he wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and stepped between her knees, pulling her head to his chest. “I love you, Princess. Let me take care of us, okay?”

She nodded. “Okay. I guess it could be a good thing. I could make Dad dinner more often so I know he’ll be eating healthier meals.”

Shit. Poor Rock. Somehow Kade had a feeling he would get blamed for this. “Maybe you should let your dad make those decisions for himself. He’s a grown man, baby.”

“I know… I just worry about him. I wish he wasn’t all alone.”

Smiling at his sweet girl, he nodded. “I know, baby.”

Dropping her shoulders, she sighed. “Fine. I’ll stop making him healthy meals. I know he gives half of them away to the homeless guy down the road anyway.”

Throwing his head back, Kade burst out laughing. “How did you know that?”

Rolling her eyes, she giggled. “Because one day he left the clubhouse right after I dropped off a meal, and I hadn’t even pulled out of the parking lot yet because I’d gotten a call, so when I saw him leave, I followed him and watched as he handed the guy the meal.”

Oh, boy. His girl was certainly something. He was kind of surprised she didn’t make Rock start eating the meals in front of her after that.

Someone knocked on the door, and Kade was pretty sure it was Doc coming to do her checkup. Lifting her off the counter, he set her on her feet and led her to the living room.

When he let Doc in, Remi smiled. “I’m feeling all better.”

Doc shot her a look. “Little girls always say they’re feeling better because they don’t want to have to have a checkup, but we Daddies know better.”

She huffed a long, dramatic sigh. “Fiiiiine.”