Page 5 of Kade


Of course she remembered. She’d gone there once with her dad. She’d also driven past his house a time or two on purpose because… well, she didn’t know why. He was Kade. He was the hottest guy she’d ever known, and he was a Daddy. The only problem was he was a lot older than her and hadn’t known she was a Little. Although it was hard to deny now that he’d seen her bedroom.

“Stay by my side until you’re in the car and then lock your doors as soon as you get in.”

He pulled his gun from the waistband of his jeans and opened the front door, looking all around before he let her through the doorway. She felt as though she was being escorted by a security guard. Well, she kind of was.

Before they made it to her car, Kade let out a string of curse words, and when she looked up at him and noticed him looking at something, she followed his line of sight, letting out a gasp. Both tires on his motorcycle were flat and one of them was visibly slashed. Looking back at him, she felt her bottom lip quiver as tears threatened to spill over again.

“Oh, my gosh, Kade, I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.”

He shook his head and started walking again. “It’s not your fault, Princess. It’s whoever’s doing this, and they have no fucking clue who they’re dealing with.”

He walked her around to the passenger side of her black sedan, opened the door for her, made sure she was in safe, and then went around to the driver’s side and got in. She handed him the keys, thankful she didn’t have to drive because honestly, she probably couldn’t have handled driving right then.

As soon as he pulled out of her apartment complex, she burst into tears. “I’m sorry, Kade. I didn’t know who else to call, and I don’t know who’s doing this. I was just so scared, and what if they want to hurt me?”

He continued to drive as he reached over and took her hand in his, squeezing it gently. “You called the right person. I’m going to protect you. It’s going to be okay. Da— I’m here, I got you.”

Even though she was practically hysterical, she didn’t miss what he’d almost said. He’d almost called himself Daddy. And even though he corrected himself, she still pretended that he’d said it because right then, that’s what she needed. A Daddy. Not just any Daddy, though. She needed Kade.

“What are you going to do about your motorcycle?”

She could see his jaw flexing and knew he was trying to keep his cool over it. But messing with an MC member’s motorcycle? Specifically, the enforcer? That was just a death wish.

“I’m going to call one of my employees at the shop to pick it up.”

Her eyes widened. “But they’ll tell my dad or Steele. I don’t want people to know—”

“Your dad isn’t going to find out. I won’t let that happen. Trust me, okay?”

She did trust him. She trusted him with her life, which was why he was the one she’d reached out to instead of anyone else. He was loyal to his club, and he would protect any member or family member with his life. “I trust you.”

He squeezed her hand. “Thank you, Princess.”

Rolling her eyes, she turned to look at him. “If you ever call me princess in front of anyone, I’ll hurt you.”

His deep laugh warmed her from the inside out. “Whatever you say, Princess.”

Well, crap. She hoped she’d packed enough pairs of panties because if she was going to be around him, staying at his house, she would need to change them frequently.

She studied him as he drove. His shoulder-length dirty blond hair was disheveled but it looked sexy on him, and every time he ran his fingers through it, her mouth dried up like the desert. Ever since she’d hit puberty, she’d had a crush on Kade. She was sure every single woman in town crushed over him, though. Heck, maybe even the married women too. He had the whole sexy tattooed biker look down, and the best part was, he was an actual biker who got his hands dirty working on customizing motorcycles all day. She wondered how those rough, callused hands would feel on her body and suddenly felt warm. Yeah, she was going to need to keep her thoughts and fantasies in check. It wasn’t like he was into her. He was just doing a good deed.

When they got to his house and went inside, he looked over at her and smiled. “Welcome home for the time being.”

Offering him a tight smile, she nodded. “Thanks. I’ll try to stay out of your way.”

“You won’t be in my way, Remi. But there will be rules I expect you to follow.”

Swallowing heavily, she looked up at him. “Super.”

He shot her a look. “Come on. Let’s get you settled. You can sleep in my room. I don’t have any beds set up in the guest rooms yet, so I’ll sleep on the couch.”

Holy hell. There was no way she was sleeping in his bed. She’d never fall asleep for one. For two, she’d be in a constant state of arousal because his bed would surely smell like him. And for three, she wasn’t going to take his bed away from him. “I’ll sleep on the couch. I’m smaller.”

The stern look he gave her had her fidgeting.

“You will sleep in my bed. End of discussion.”