Page 44 of Kade

“She doesn’t have her seatbelt on. We can’t risk running the truck off the road. Do you still have the spike strip in your saddlebag?”

“Always. Want me to go ahead and lay it down?”

That could work. It would slow the truck down so if they did run it off the road, the crash wouldn’t be as dangerous. He just hated the idea of doing anything that could hurt Remi, but they didn’t have the luxury of that choice.

“Yeah. Do it. When you get in front of the truck, try to signal her to put her seatbelt on.”

Steele nodded. “Got it.”

Kade slowed down enough to let Steele get ahead of him so he could get into the cross-traffic lane to pass the truck. The one good thing about the highway they were on was that there was very little traffic on it.

He could see Steele motioning to her as he rode in front of the truck right before he sped up so he could get far enough ahead to have time to drop the strip.

The movement in the cab of the truck stopped, and Kade hoped she’d strapped herself in.

“Strip is down.”

Motioning to everyone behind him to slow down, Kade kept full speed ahead. He could ride around the strip, but it would be a disaster if all of them tried, so they had to slow down to give Steele time to yank it back to let them pass.

The truck ran over the strip of spikes and instantly started skidding as the flattened tires squealed in search of traction. Darting around the spikes, Kade continued to follow the truck as it slowed down and then suddenly jerked to the right, going nose-first into the ditch.

Skidding to a stop, he jumped off his bike, letting it fall on its side as he ran to the truck with his pistol drawn. Steele and Storm ran to the driver’s side with their guns drawn while Kade went to the passenger side to yank at the door, but it wouldn’t budge.

Steele tugged the driver’s side door open, and both men dragged the driver out while Kade ran around the truck to get Remi out of that same side. As soon as he was at the door, she lunged at him, sobbing into his chest as he clutched her tightly.

“I got you, baby. My brave girl. Are you hurt?”

She didn’t answer him. Instead, she continued to sob, grabbing at his cut for dear life as he pulled her out of the truck. Doc ran up to them with his first aid kit that he carried in his saddlebags, his eyes scanning her body as Kade carried her to the back of the truck. Bear already had the tailgate open so Kade could set her down, but when he tried, she wouldn’t let him go.

“Baby, we need to look at you and make sure you’re okay.”

She finally released him, and when he stepped back to look at her, he started shaking with rage. Her cheek was red and already bruising as though she’d been hit.

Doc took over and started touching her joints, checking for anything broken, but Kade couldn’t see anything but red.

Looking for Steele and Storm, he found them standing on either side of the driver where he was face down on the asphalt, his hands zip tied around his back. Stomping over, he grabbed the man by his hair and rolled him over, making him howl in pain.

Staring down at her stalker, he couldn’t believe his eyes.


Looking up at Steele and then Storm, the men looked just as angry as he felt. Not able to control his anger, Kade kicked the man in the ribs before he squatted down and grabbed him by his hair again.

“You fucked with the wrong guy,” he ground out before punching the man in the face, knocking him out cold.

“Jesus, you didn’t have to knock him out. How are we going to explain that to the police when they get here?” Storm asked with an amused expression.

Shrugging, he started walking back toward his girl. “Tell them whatever you want. If I knew it wouldn’t traumatize Remi, he’d have a fucking bullet in his head when they got here.”



She pushed away the set of hands that were moving over her body as she cried out for her Daddy.

“Remi, it’s Doc. Look at me.”

Squeezing her eyes closed, she shook her head. “I want Daddy!”