One of the connections Emree and I have is that we were fathered by shitty men. Both are horrible in their own way, and luckily Em has never had to even meet hers, but it’s a bond we have.

Grabbing her wrist, I turn her arm and place a kiss over her pulse point before resting it against my chest, right where my heart is. “He doesn’t matter to me anymore. I can’t let broken relationships and people like him bring me down. That isn’t my family anymore. You are, Em. I love you more than anything and plan to make a life with you. I’ve been an idiot in the past, and there is so much I regret, but that won’t ever happen again.”

Tears well up in her eyes, and I wipe them again. “You’re it for me, baby. I want it all. Marriage and babies. I want to watch the sunrise with you in the mornings and make love to you each night. See our kids grow inside this beautiful body of yours and watch them run around our home. We’ll grow old together, and I’ll enjoy every minute of this life because it will be with you by my side.”

A sob escapes her as more tears fall heavily now. “You really know how to woo a girl.”

“I have a lot to make up for.”

She smiles and runs her hand through my hair. “I think you’ve done more than enough. You’ve shown me how important I am to you with your words and actions, and that’s more than I could have asked for.” She reaches up on her toes to give me a soft kiss.

Before I can tell her that it isn’t enough and I’ll continue to make it up to her, Blaire calls her back over to the stove to show her how to cut and season chicken breasts.

Looking around at my group of friends, I can’t help but smile. This is what family is. Not people who are tied to you by the blood that runs through your veins, but the people who are there for you no matter what. The ones who love and truly care for you, no matter what.

This is my family. And I’ll never let them go.



A year later

Graduation day is finally here, and I couldn’t be happier to close this chapter of my life and start the next one.

With how large the graduating class is, it has become a three-day event. Today it is me, Emree, and Camden. Mateo, Jules, and Levi are tomorrow, and Blaire and Maddox are Friday. All of our friends are in the stands, and when I glance out, I can’t help but smile. That’s my family out there, and I couldn’t imagine today being any better.

Emree’s, Blaire’s, and Camden’s moms are out there along with Trazia. Our friends made sure to save them some seats. Everyone is gathered together, taking up an entire row of seats. Trazia is smiling as she and her mom wave at Camden. Jules and Mateo are laughing, and Levi is looking like the grumpy lumberjack that he is while Maddox can’t stop staring at Traz.

With my father serving a twenty-five-year sentence in prison—fifteen for good behavior—and my relationship with my mom and brother, Archer, still rocky, none of my family has been able to make it here today. Alice wanted to—and requested we take tons of pictures—but she has her own exams and is finishing her second year of college.

The ceremony begins, and I wait for my girl’s name to be called as the dean goes through the long list ofAs. When he finally does, I stand and cheer as loud as I can for her. She deserves all the support, and based on the screams from the stands, she is getting it.

Emree has worked her ass off this last year, and it paid off in the long run. After a glowing recommendation from her professor, who is the head of the art and design department, Emree was offered a paid internship with a dress designer she admired. She said her portfolio and the designs she has drawn but not created yet blew them away. This is a massive opportunity for her, and I couldn’t be more proud.

The best part is that the internship is in DC, where I just so happened to get a job with the Hilton corporation on the marketing team. My connection with Mr. Groves paid off in more ways than I can count, and it turns out one of his clients is the CEO of the Hilton, and after learning about my background, the marketing director reached out.

Emree and I have made plans to move out to Virginia, just outside of DC, so that we are close enough to both our jobs because she didn’t want to be too in the city. We already have a house set up to rent and are working on packing up her apartment before we go to stay with her mom for part of the summer.

More names are called, and at the three-hour mark, they make the traditional announcement for graduates to flip their tassels, and everyone erupts in cheers.

The plethora of students are corralled outside, where we wait around to meet our families. Several people are crying as they hug each other, and I can’t help but chuckle at how emotional some take graduation. The four years at Braxton were amazing, and I have found not only the love of my life but a lifelong family.

“Con!” someone shouts, and when I turn toward the voice, Emree is running toward me. Her gown is blowing in the wind, revealing the turquoise silk dress she made that I love so much.

Bending my knees, I prepare for her embrace, and without slowing down, she jumps into my arms and wraps those beautiful legs around my waist. “We did it,” she mumbles against my lips.

With a smile, I hold her to me with one arm and grip her hair with my other hand, pulling her mouth closer to mine. She eagerly accepts my hungry kiss by framing my face with her hands and molding her lips to mine. We’re all teeth and tongue in what I’m sure is not a school-appropriate kiss, but I couldn’t care less. This is the start of the rest of our lives together, and I’m ready to celebrate with her in every way.

“This is your official announcement that the moms are on their way over and you’re getting some weird looks from just about everyone around you.” Maddox breaks through my Emree fog as, for a second, I forget where we are.

Pulling back, I place one final kiss on Emree’s puffy lips and set her on the ground. She stumbles a little in her silver heels but steadies herself with the use of my shoulders. Em looks up at me with a knowing smile, and that one look has my pants getting even tighter. Thankfully, the gown helps to cover my excitement.

The rest of our family walks up, and Emree’s mom, Margret, comes forward and engulfs her daughter in a tight hug. “I’m so incredibly proud of you, sweetie,” she whispers in her daughter’s ear. I smile, knowing how much this means to not only Emree but her mom. Margret never went back to finish school, and her dream was for her daughter to have a different experience than she did.

“Well, let’s get out of this madness and back to the boys’ house for a celebration,” Camden’s mom announces. Her arm is wrapped around her son’s waist, and he is holding her tight to him. “Maddox’s parents were sweet enough to get everything set up during the ceremony.”

We decided to have the graduation party today since the next two ceremonies are at night, and we have to be moved out of the house by this weekend.