Conrad leans forward and rests his hands on the table. “Do your damage, but you’re done threatening and trying to hurt us. Come near Emree again, and we’ll file a restraining order. Find whatever lawyer you think will help you, and we’ll come right back here. You’re out of moves,Dad. Time to give up.”

With flared nostrils and a tight jaw, Howard Dugray turns and jerks the door open, storming out of the conference room. His assistant, Leslie, gives us a small smile before grabbing her folder and following her boss with her head down.

“That went much better than I thought,” Mr. Groves cheerfully states.

Conrad grabs my hand under the table and gives it a squeeze. “Thank you again for doing all this. Not sure I would have known how to handle a situation like this without your help.”

The well-dressed lawyer waves a hand. “Don’t mention it. Anything to knock Howard down a few notches. You held your own well, kid. I may not be able to help with your dad running your name through the mud, but if you’re looking to get into the business end of law, let me know.” He stands and comes over to shake our hands. “It was nice meeting you both. Hopefully, we won’t have to do this again.”

With a smile, Mr. Groves and his assistant exit the conference room, leaving the door cracked open on their way out.

Grabbing Conrad’s hand, I bring it to my lips and place a kiss on his knuckles. “How do you feel?”

He removes his hand from my grip and cups my jaw. “Free.”



“Fuck. Right there.”

“Oh god, deeper.”

“A little to the left. Yes, that’s the spot. Keep hitting that spot.”

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say what’s going on in this room is a bad porno,” Coach Walter announces as he enters the locker room.

“Watch a lot of porn, Coach?” Maddox asks with a laugh.

Coach cuts to him with a look that has even me nervous. “Shut the hell up, Stone, or you’re missing your massage turn.”

The locker room is currently filled with students in the sports therapy program who are looking for more hands-on experience needed for their degree. They have worked with all the sports players, but not near enough, in my opinion.

Maddox turns without a word and goes back to sitting on the bench and waiting his turn.

“Coach, I think we should have a full-time masseuse on staff,” Camden states from where he is getting his back rubbed on one of the three tables placed in the locker room.

Coach leans against his office door that is off to the side of the locker room exit. “I’ll make sure to add that to the budget request for next year. I’m sure the dean will be ecstatic to add a personal masseuse for you all.”

“That would be great,” one of the freshmen cheers from the back of the line.

Coach shakes his head and ducks into his office, clearly disappointed his player missed the obvious sarcasm.

“You all ready for final exams next week?” I ask Levi, who is waiting in line beside me.

He shrugs his shoulders. “I only have one left, so not sweating it so much. English is my best subject.”

“Seeing as how you’re anEnglishmajor, I would like to think so,” Maddox comments. “If it wasn’t your best subject, I would reconsider your future.”

Another player leaves the table, and Levi stands to take his turn. The woman, who is putting lotion on her hands, turns and her eyes widen as she takes in all that is Levi and his several tattoos. This is the usual reaction he gets from women, but the guy is completely clueless about the effect he has on the opposite sex.

“Um, Conny. Have you seen the news lately?” Maddox asks as he looks at something on his phone.

“You know I don’t watch that shit,” I tell him.

Maddox looks up and stretches his arm toward me with his phone in his hand. “You may want to see this.”

My eyes scan the article open on his phone, and my jaw drops.