The freedom to do what I want feels great; the stinging from the needles does not.
Once I pay and am told how to care for the tattoo for the next couple of weeks, Levi and I head out to meet our friends at the house before we go to Whiskey Joe’s for some drinks and games on the patio. With how busy Blaire and Emree have been with work, it has been hard to get everyone together, and Garrett was cool enough to schedule the two off this Friday.
Pulling into the driveway, I notice that a couple of the guys’ cars are already gone, but Emree’s is sitting in my driveway. Since our plan was for her and Blaire to meet us at the bar, I’m confused why her car is here and some of my roommates are gone.
“Hey, man, why don’t I meet you there? I think my girl is inside, and I’m going to see what’s up,” I tell Levi when he pulls up to the curb in front of our house.
He nods in response, and I hop out of his car and head up the driveway. The sound of tires rolling against asphalt drifts away as Levi’s car disappears down the road. The front door is unlocked, and inside is Emree sitting on the couch with her hands in her lap.
While she is just as beautiful as she always is, her face is tense with what I can only assume is worry. “Hey, baby. What are you doing here?”
The door slams behind me as I walk toward Em. She gives me a sad smile but doesn’t stand to greet me. “Hi. What happened to your arm?”
The tattoo was going to be a surprise because part of me assumed she would try to talk me out of it if she thought I was being impulsive. “Don’t be mad I didn’t tell you, but I got a tattoo.”
Her eyes widen. “What?” She is out of her seat and beside me in an instant, lifting my sleeve. “Why? What did you get? You realize this is permanent, Conrad?”
A chuckle comes out of me. “Yeah, baby. I know it’s real.”
She’s looking at the blob of ink through the protective wrap I have to wear for a few days. “I can’t believe you got a tattoo. Why the sudden, spur-of-the-moment decision? And what even is it?”
“Just another thing I would have never been able to do under my father’s dictatorship. I feel like I should be making a ‘Conrad is finally free’ bucket list. You know I’ve never let myself get blackout drunk before in case I do something stupid and someone catches it on video? He laid into me how important my image was all my life, and I’ve tried so fucking hard to maintain that, but I’m tired.” I look down at the blob and smile. “And it’s a skull. I thought it was cool.”
Emree’s face falls at the mention of my father, and her hand drops from my arm. “I actually need to talk to you about something. But we will revisit the conversation that you got a skull tattooed on you.”
Narrowing my eyes, I raise a brow. “What are you talking about?”
“Let’s sit,” she states as she pulls away and returns to the single-seater sofa she had been sitting on. I take up the other couch and sit on the edge, nervous about whatever she has to tell me. “Your dad showed up at the bar on Tuesday night and basically threatened me. Told me to break up with you, or he would find any way he can to take the trust fund set up by your grandfather.”
Of all the things my mind was conjuring up that could have come out of her mouth, my father blackmailing Emree was not one of them. While I should not be surprised he would try something like this, knowing that my father threatened Em to try and hurt me boils my blood.
Standing, I run my hands through my hair and tug on the strands. “Thisfuckingman just won’t stop.” I’m pacing the area between the coffee table and the television. Stopping, I turn to face Em. “What did he say he’d do to try and get the trust fund? He can’t do that.”
She offers a sad smile. “He didn’t go into much detail but basically said he has the best lawyers in the country and would do everything to bring you down.” Emree bites her lip and looks unsure of herself. “There’s more than that, though.”
“Just lay it all out.” Once she tells me everything, I can take it all in and figure out a plan to get this man the fuck out of my life.
“He mentioned he would also do everything to ruin any business relationships you try to form with acquaintances he’s introduced you to over the years.”
“Fuck!” I kick the side of the sofa, wishing it were my father’s face. “He’s playing dirty and has the upper hand. He’ll do anything to ruin my life and this is bullshit.”
Emree remains quiet as I let out my frustration. After I have cooled down some, Emree breaks the long stretch of silence. “There may be something we could do.”
My ears twitch with interest, and I take a seat. “I’m listening.”
“Blaire said that her mom knows a popular and well-known lawyer in Texas. It turns out that her friend is connected to the largest estate planning lawyer where you’re from, which I guess is the type you would need. I told Blaire’s mom’s friend what was happening and the threats your father made, and she relayed the information to one of the partners in Boston. The moment he heard your name, he said he would take you as a client at any time you needed him.”
My mind is spinning with all the information Emree has given me. Not only did she not cower to my father’s demands, but my girl went out and sought out someone who could help us.
“Why would he help me?” Usually when someone hears the name Dugray, they bend over backward to do anything for my father. The fact that this lawyer is willing to help me and not Howard seems suspicious.
Emree chews on her bottom lip. “Well, this part is kind of hard to tell you, but it’s the reason he’s so willing to help you and not your father. The lawyer, Mr. Groves, has history with your father and, um, well…his wife.”
Groaning, I lean back against the couch and close my eyes. “My father had an affair with his wife, didn’t he?”
“Yes,” she whispers. “Mr. Groves was actually all too happy to be on your side against your father. He even said he would take your case pro bono.”
I can’t help but laugh. “Well, I guess using his enemies against him could work in our favor.”