When I’m within arm’s reach, Conrad grips the nape of my neck and jerks me forward. “Fuck, I’ve missed you,” he whispers into my shoulder as he drops a kiss to the exposed skin there. “You’ve been killing me in this dress tonight. You were by far the most stunning woman in that hall. Not sure how anyone got anything done when you were there, distracting them with all these curves and, fuck, your legs in these heels.” His hands skim down my body, and he gives my ass a hard squeeze before coming back up to cup my face.

Smiling, I look into his eyes, which are a storm of desire. “Thank you, but I’m sure you’re overexaggerating.”

He doesn’t laugh along with me, but a slight frown graces his face. “You just don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what?”

He strokes my cheek with the pad of his thumb. “How unbelievably beautiful you are.”

While I’m not usually uncomfortable with compliments and would laugh at his words, Conrad says them with such purpose and sincerity that I don’t have a choice but to believe him. That, mixed with the need for me in his eyes, has my stomach fluttering, knowing this man loves me.

Even in my heels, I barely come up to Conrad’s shoulders. Pushing up on my tiptoes, I press my lips to his in a soft kiss. He grips my hips, pulling my body against his, and deepens the kiss. Our lips glide against each other’s slowly as I run my nails through the hair at the back of his head.

A rumbling comes from Conrad’s chest, and he grips the bottom of my dress. “As much as I want to rip this off, I’m going to be gentle with your dress since you made it,” he says against my mouth.

At an agonizing pace, he lifts my dress while continuing our kiss, his tongue exploring mine. He breaks apart from my lips to slip the material over my head and sucks in a breath when he leans back to take me in.

“Shit, you’ve been naked under this thing all night?” His voice is thick as he takes in my bare body.

Shrugging my shoulders, I look at my dress clutched in his hand. “It’s kind of thin and no one wants underwear lines.”

Burying his face in my neck, Conrad inhales. “It’s a good thing I didn’t know that before now, or we would have never made it out tonight.”

His hands begin roaming my naked form, and I moan at the feeling of his rough hands on my smooth skin. Where Conrad is polished and perfect all over, his hands have always been a contrast to everything else. They are heavily calloused from working out and lifting weights. He says he likes having calluses because it shows that he’s working hard while he is in the gym as if his body couldn’t tell him that.

A squeak escapes me as he grabs the backs of my legs, lifting me up. I automatically wrap my legs around his waist and hold on to his shoulders as he walks us to his bed. Instead of laying me down, Conrad sits on the end and holds me in his lap as he unbuckles my heels and drops them to the floor.

Pulling back from the spot on my neck he was kissing and sucking, he looks me in the eyes. “I love you, you know.”

Lifting my hand, I push the hair back from his face. He hasn’t gotten a haircut in a while, and the strands are longer than I have ever seen. “Yeah, I know that, Conrad.”

His hands run up and down my back in a soothing motion rather than a sexual one, and considering I’m completely naked on his lap, I’m kind of surprised. “I never want to hurt you like I did. You’re too important to me.”

Once again, his words make my chest swell. Resting my forehead against his, I bring myself closer until we are chest to chest. “I love you. Now make love to me.”

He doesn’t hesitate as he lifts me up with ease and lays me on his unmade bed. The sheets are cold against my bare back, and my body shivers without the heat from Conrad as he stands above me, unbuttoning his shirt.

Watching him slowly release each button is torture, and the moment he has the last one undone and shucks off his dress shirt, I sit up and wrap my hand around his neck, pulling him down to me. He holds himself above my body as we get lost in a sloppy kiss. One of his hands is running up and down my skin, paying extra attention to my full breast and the curve of my hip. That hand moves lower until he’s cupping between my legs. I spread them, allowing him better access.

The moment his long finger enters me, my head falls back, and I let out a moan. “I was really trying to go slow tonight, but the sounds coming out of you and feeling how ready you are for me are making it hard,” Conrad tells me as he kisses and sucks at my chest.

Gripping the back of his hair, I bring his head up to look me in the eyes. “Slow isn’t what I need tonight. I’ve missed you too much for that.”

He smirks as he removes his hand, and I suddenly miss the feeling of him being there. “Let me give my girl what she wants then.”

Conrad kisses me long and hard. His tongue glides with mine as I clutch him to me, needing to feel his body against mine. One hand snakes between us, and I undo his belt and the button of his slacks in record time. Conrad moans against my mouth as my hand slides into the front of his pants, and I grip his length, giving him a long stroke.

“Fuck, I need you,” he groans as he shucks his pants and underwear off and reaches into the nightstand. His naked body comes back over me, and he rips the condom open with his teeth as he stares down at me.

A thought that has never entered my mind overfills it, and I wrap my hand around the condom in his hand. “I’m clean and you know I have the shot. Are you…were you using protection while we weren’t together?”

His eyebrows pinch together. “You think I was fucking around while we were apart?”

For an entire month, we weren’t together, and technically, he was forming a relationship with another woman who was meant to be his fiancée. “I would understand if you were. You and Liliana were going to be engaged.”

Conrad holds his body up so that he isn’t touching every part of mine. “First off, we don’t talk about other people while in bed together. Let’s make that a rule. Second, there is no one besides you. Even the thought of fucking someone else repulses me, so no, I was not with anyone while we were apart.”

Before I can say another word, Conrad plasters his body to mine and captures my mouth in a bruising kiss. With the condom forgotten, Conrad grips himself, positioned at my entrance. In one deep thrust, he enters me and I suck in a breath, taken aback by the invasion.