Jumping up, I smile at my best friend. “Since I need a support system to hold my hand.”

After we change and I fix up my hair, we head to my car and drive toward the guys’ house. Their driveway is full, so I know they must all be home. Conrad and I have been texting almost all day since Monday when he sat with me at lunch. His coach has been rough on him since he missed practice Friday. He told me his coach lightened up today, but for the last two days, he was running extra drills.

We exit my car and now that we’re getting closer to it happening, my heart races with anticipation of adding a hole in my nostril. I’ve never gotten a piercing—besides my ears when I was a baby—or tattoo before, but I have wanted to. My friend from high school got her tongue pierced after we graduated and there was so much blood I ended up backing out even though we made a pact to do it together.

Bypassing knocking, we enter the house and the living room is littered with hot soccer players. Maddox and Mateo are relaxed on the three-seat sofa with a bowl of popcorn between them, Camden is lying across the single-seater with his legs dangling off the end, and Conrad is on the two-seater with his feet resting on the coffee table.

“Hey, what are you two doing here?” Camden asks, his head hanging upside down as he looks at us.

Blaire skips over and sits on his lap, bending down to kiss his lips. “I was kidnapped.”

Rolling my eyes, I head toward the only empty spot and sit beside Conrad. He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer, kissing the side of my head. “Did you kidnap my roommate’s girlfriend?”

I shrug him off me. “I did not kidnap anyone. She needed to come with me for moral support.”

“Moral support for what, Blondie?” Maddox asks.

Smiling at the boys, I tell them what my plan is. “I’m getting a piercing.”

“No shit?” Camden asks, surprised at my announcement. “What’re you getting done?”

Maddox leans forward in his seat. “Please tell me you’re getting your nipples pierced. And if you are, I will totally be there for moral support or any kind of support you need.”

I can’t help but laugh because while Maddox may say some of the most inappropriate things, they can be funny. “Thank you for the offer, but I will not be getting my nipples pierced.”

“Well, could you?” he pleads, giving me those puppy-dog eyes I know work on many women.

“How about you stop looking at and talking about my girl’s tits?” Conrad growls out.

Maddox holds his hands up. “Hey now, no need to get feisty on me. Was an innocent question to ask asinglewoman.”

Conrad’s hands clench on his thighs, and I reach over, rubbing his forearm.

“Single or not, my boobs are none of your business, Mad.”

A wicked smile spreads across Maddox’s face. “We could rectify that. Let me take you out. We’d have a good time. I’ll treat you like a queen, and then we could come back here where I’d throw you onto my bed and do every possible nasty thing you could think of—”

“You son of a bitch,” Conrad cuts him off and jumps out of his seat, but my grip on his arm stops him. His nostrils flare, his face turning several shades of red.

“How about we all calm down?” I say, using the most soothing voice I can muster. “Conrad, you know how Maddox is. He was just trying to get under your skin.”

Maddox raises his hands. “Um, I’d like to clarify that while I was trying to get a rise out of Conny, I would very much like to bang you, so that is always on the table.”

“Oh, fuck off.” Conrad is back on his feet, and I grip him with both hands now. With one hard pull, he falls back beside me.

Mateo, Maddox, and Camden are all laughing as Levi makes his way down the stairs. He slows to a stop as he takes in the scene in front of him. My iron grip on Conrad’s arm, Blaire’s red face, and the other guys laughing.

“Um, what’s going on here?” Levi asks.

After controlling himself, Mateo starts to tell him. “Well, Maddox—”

Levi holds his hand up. “Enough said.” He looks at me. “You ready?”

Conrad looks between Levi and me. “Whoa, what the hell? Lumberjack is taking you?”

Levi rolls his eyes. “Can we stop with the lumberjack comments?”

“We can when you stop looking like a lumberjack,” Maddox chimes in. “For real, dude, you look like you should be guarding a mountain or something, not a college student. I swear you’re really a thirty-year-old man with that beard.”