Prove it.

Those were the last words Emree spoke to me before Blaire and the guys came barreling into the house. The audience effectively ended our conversation. Blaire pulled Emree aside while Maddox and Camden went upstairs to shower, followed by Mateo and Levi and then Jules. Everyone ended up agreeing to order pizza for dinner, and since I had been up for over twenty-four hours, I opted to crash rather than fall asleep in a plate of food.

Yesterday, Em was working a double shift, and Maddox and I showed up at Whiskey Joe’s to enjoy a beer and be near my girl. The place was packed, so I didn’t get to talk to her other than saying hello and goodbye, but just being around and shamelessly looking at her was enough. Gone were the dirty looks she would justifiably cast my way, replaced with shy side-eyes and the sweetest pink tint on her cheeks when our eyes met. I gave her a wink.

“Dude, how hungry are you?” Levi asks as he looks at my tray of food. Usually, I don’t eat basically two lunches, but I have plans for the extra food I’ve collected.

Shrugging, I try to brush off his question. “Just wanted a little extra.”

Levi drops the conversation when we reach the cashier, and he hands her his credit card. Sliding my wallet out of the back pocket of my jeans, I grab my black Amex and wait my turn. After ringing up the items I have, the cashier gives me the total, and I swipe my card. An obnoxious sound comes from the machine, and the screen reads, “Card declined.”

Curious because this has never happened, I give the cashier a questioning look. She chews her lower lip as she presses buttons on the machine. “Go ahead and swipe it again. Maybe there was something wrong with how it was done the first time.”

Swiping once more, the same insufferable sound rings through my ears. “What the fuck?”

The elderly cashier lifts her glasses that are hanging around her neck and takes a closer look at the keypad. “Sorry, darling. Declined again. You have another card?”

While I don’t want to sound like a dick and tell her there is no way an Amex Black Card can be declined, I’m confused because this is a first. Deciding to let it go, I hand her cash, and she gives me the change back.

Shaking off the confusion of why my card isn’t working, I nod to my friends at our usual table and head outside. From what I’ve noticed in the past, Emree is usually at the table first before the little dickhead shows up. I want to be there before he shows up in the courtyard. Not sure if Emree ended whatever she had going on with him, but I want to make my intentions with her clear. He needs to stay away from what’s mine.

Making my way through the cafeteria doors, I’m hit with the heat of Florida’s springtime. While the humidity hasn’t hit its highest like it does in the summer, it’s starting to get there. It has made practices brutal, and Coach hasn’t let up at all, even though it’s the off-season. I’ll be glad when summer is here, and we will have a couple months off from the drills he puts us through.

Scanning the courtyard, I spot Emree’s golden-blonde hair piled high on top of her head in a messy bun with a clip holding it together. From the side, I can see a few strands have fallen into her face as she looks down at her laptop with determination.

And she’s alone.

Passing the few tables in my way, I approach her. She is so distracted by what she is working on that she doesn’t look up when I’m standing beside her. Setting the tray down, Emree’s head snaps up at the sound.

“What are you doing here?” she asks as I sink down into the seat diagonal from hers.

Unwrapping the burger I got for myself, I give her my ever-winning smile. “Having lunch with my girl since she insists on eating outside.”

She studies my movements as I bring the burger toward my mouth and take a generous bite. “I feel as though I should remind you that I am no longer your girl and also, I have lunch with someone else.” She looks around, most likely searching for that guy.

Ignoring her, I continue enjoying my food. “Then I feel as though I should remind you that you told me to ‘prove it’ when I said I loved you, and here I am. Proving it to you.”

Emree physically relaxes and her eyes go soft. “And sitting with me at lunch is proving your love for me?”

I’m glad she finally asks. “Not at all. Getting your favorite foods for lunch since I know you most likely forgot to pack something today since you were working all day yesterday is part of my proving-it plan.”

“How did you know I would forget to bring something?”

Shrugging, I hand her the chicken sandwich I know she likes so much and a Diet Coke. “You have a history of doing it.”

She accepts the items with a bright smile, displaying her perfectly straight teeth. “You’re sweet. Thank you.”

As she begins to unwrap her food, someone approaches the table. “Hey, Em…”

Looking up from my mediocre cafeteria food, I see none other than the douche who has been trying to take my girl. He’s standing across from Emree with his backpack slung lazily over his shoulder and a fast-food bag in his hand.

“Ian. Hi,” she greets him with uncertainty.

He offers up a tight smile but looks uncomfortable with my presence. “Guessing the ex is no longer an ex?”