Thirty minutes later,after I have showered and changed into a pair of gym shorts and a T-shirt, I join my roommates in the living room. Levi is still in his suit with a now knotted tie, and Maddox and Camden have changed from their sleepwear to more casual attire of relaxed jeans and shirts.

“Oh, good morning. Nice to see you,” Maddox greets me.

Camden smiles. “How has your day been?”

Flipping them the bird, I take a seat beside Levi. “You’re all assholes.”

Levi leans away from me just a bit. “You did wash your hand, right?”

Turning my head, I glare at him. “Fuck you.” Today may be the day I decide I need new roommates and friends because this group is becoming too much with their nonsense.

The front door swings open, and Mateo comes in with a smiling Jules.

“Hello, boys,” Jules greets. Her sultry voice is effortless, as well as the sway of her hips as she stalks through the room.

Mateo walks behind the couch, and I hold out my hand to high-five him as he passes behind me.

“Don’t touch him!” Camden, Maddox, and Levi shout before we come into contact, and Mateo’s hand freezes in midair.

“Um, why?”

Maddox clears his voice. “Since there is a lady present, I will keep this classy. Levi walked in on Conrad…charming the snake if you will.”

A crease forms between Mateo’s eyebrows. “What?”

“You know,” Maddox continues. “Making the bald man cry.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Oh jeez, Mateo,” Jules jumps in. “He was jerking off and Levi walked in.”

His eyes widen in shock. “Why the hell didn’t you knock?”

Smiling, I look at Mateo. “Thank you. Seems our roommates believe if your door is unlocked, it means there is an open-door policy.”

“That’s weird,” he says as he takes a seat on the arm of the sofa. “Also, not touching your hand after getting that visual.”

Groaning, I drop my head back onto the couch. “You all are the worst. I took a damn shower. Can we please move on from this?”

“As uncomfortable as the topic of your masturbation is, I agree.” Jules truly is a lifesaver. “We actually ran into your girl coming into Broken Yolk after our brunch.”

My ears perk up at the mention of Emree. “Yeah? She alone?” I try to keep my tone neutral, but I’m dying inside to know if she was there with a particular guy.

Levi chuckles, but I ignore him.

“She was with a rather handsome guy if I do say so myself,” Jules answers.

Irritation pricks at me, knowing she is out there with that little fuckface. “You don’t say.”

“Think before doing something stupid, man,” Camden warns me.

Getting up, I wipe my hands on the front of my shorts. “Nothing to worry about. I got plans today anyway. Got to meet Liliana for a conference with our parents.” The lie rolls off the tip of my tongue. Guess it’s not a full lie since tomorrow after practice, I do have that meeting, but they don’t need to know that.

Grabbing my keys and wallet from the hook and entryway table, I wave the guys and Jules goodbye and head out the door.

Knowing where Emree is and who she is with was information that came to me without inquiry. It isn’t like I was actively seeking to know if she was with that guy, but now that I know, I can’tnotshow up to see what is going on.

Broken Yolk isn’t far from our house, thanks to Braxton being a small town. Unfortunately, it is the most popular spot for breakfast and brunch, so the parking lot is overflowing with cars.