“Whatever,” Camden mumbles. “Let’s just go and get this thing over with. I hate this frat shit.”

At the end of each year, the fraternities throw some massive parties. While we have never attended before, Coach likes for the upperclassmen to show up and support our freshmen frat teammates. The party part is going to be fun, but the beginning is filled with a ritual of new members taking the oath to join the frat.

Maddox drops his empty cup into the sink. “Mateo and Levi bailing tonight?”

“Levi has work, and Mateo is helping Jules move her roommate out. She and her boyfriend got a place off campus, so that freshman Piper, who’s been bunking on their couch, is going to take over the lease,” Camden answers.

Last year there was an incident with a ball chaser—that’s what we call girls who try to sleep with soccer players for status alone—when she drugged and tried to take advantage of Camden. We would have never found out the truth of what happened if it weren’t for her sorority sister Piper, who came forward and told us the truth because, with Camden not remembering what happened, it looked to everyone else that he had cheated on Blaire.

“Lucky bastards. I’d help move her shit to get out of this frat bullshit. These guys are the worst.” Maddox is right. The frat guys are pricks, which is why we have always avoided their parties. We only have a couple players who join, and it’s usually because their families have been members for generations.

Camden nods in agreement. “We don’t have to stay long. No matter how big of an asshole these guys are, we’re there to support our teammates.”

“Better to leave early anyway. Their parties always get out of control. Jules said the Braxton Police Department shut down the Valentine’s Day one, not even campus police. Shit was crazy. Had people jumping out of windows, for fuck’s sake.”

“Are you serious?” I ask Maddox.

He nods. “I was more surprised they were having a Valentine’s Day party. Sigma Phi doesn’t seem like the mostromanticgroup of men.”

“Let’s just go and get this thing over with,” Camden says as he starts walking out of the kitchen and toward the front door.

* * *

This frat partyis even worse than I thought it was going to be. While I’m not one who turns down a good party, this one is filled with some of the most egotistical and self-centered assholes I have ever come across. While hazing is not allowed, the upperclassmen in the frat get away with treating the pledges like shit.

The ceremony we attended before the party was for the freshmen, who had gone through months of bullshit to join the frat and were now becoming “brothers.” Three of the ten guys are our teammates and watching them join the hypermasculinity and misogynistic brotherhood makes me wonder why anyone would want to be part of a society like this. Maybe it’s because I grew up surrounded by these types of guys and made it my goal to never become like them.

The large, two-story house is shaking to the beat of the bass coming from the speakers strategically placed in each room. Bodies fill every area, some grinding against each other and more standing around with drinks in their hands. While my roommates and I have thrown our fair share of parties, they don’t compare to what is going on here. There are girls in bikinis fighting in small pools filled with whipped cream, stripper poles placed throughout the open dining room, and guys high-fiving each other as they leave the bedrooms upstairs.

We have been here for all of half an hour, and I am already ready to leave. Camden and I are nursing a couple beers while taking in the various scenes around us.

“I’ve never felt more out of place at a college party,” Camden tells me.

“I was thinking the same thing,” I agree. “Were we ever like this? God, I hope not.” While my freshman year, I do admit it was a wild time, I don’t remember acting this foolish.

“Fuck no.” Camden’s tone is harsh. “These are privileged little pricks who know they can do no wrong because of Daddy’s money.”

Looking over, I smile at my friend. “Aw, thanks for not lumping me in with the group of privileged pricks.”

Camden laughs. “While you may be privileged, you aren’t a prick. Plus, the last thing you would want is your daddy’s money.”

“Guys, I have seen more tits tonight than I have ever before. Why don’t our parties have this much toplessness?” Maddox shouts over the music as he strides over to us with a beer in hand.

“Maybe because we want to respect women and try not to objectify them?” Camden counters.

Maddox rolls his eyes. “You can still respect a lovely lady while admiring a nice pair of breasts.”

I can’t help but laugh because Maddox is dead serious. “Dude, I need you to get a girlfriend or something because you’ll have a different thought about respect then.”

Maddox clutches his chest in mock shock. “Me? A girlfriend? Absolutely not, and I am offended you would even suggest such a thing. No woman will be able to tie Maddox Stone down.”

Camden and I chuckle. “It’ll happen, man, just you wait. I never saw Blaire coming, yet she bulldozed right into me.”

“Enough of this talk,” Maddox announces as he waves a hand through the air. “This is depressing me, and I was on a tit high. Now I need to go back in and get my fill again.” He leaves us and heads toward the dining room, where the women are still wrestling in the small pools.

“Should we be worried about him being off on his own?” I ask.

Camden stares off where Maddox went for a moment before answering. “You know, I’m not sure. Sometimes I feel like he needs supervision.”