She shakes her head.
“Then sit back, enjoy your snacks, and read whatever cheesy book you downloaded. No one else volunteered to drive, so that means the radio is under my control.” He’s right. Though Mateo said we could take his SUV on the trip since it’s larger and better on gas, everyone got quiet after he said he wouldn’t be driving. Camden stepped up and said he would. The only drawback is his lack of sharing the radio.
Blaire remains silent and goes back to snacking and reading on her Kindle. I laugh at the two of them because it is rare to see Camden get somewhat serious with her like that. To Camden, Blaire walks on water and can do no wrong. The driving must be getting to him.
I pop my earphones back in and decide to listen to my favorite fashion podcast. It talks about the history behind fashion, which has always been a favorite topic of mine. Getting a fashion management major with a minor in fashion design degree has always been my goal. My dream is to have my own fashion line, working for some of the greatest companies, like Chanel, Prada, or Hermès. While those are unrealistic companies to work for, I am making it my goal to at least work for one of the greatest and maybe even do Fashion Week.
Fashion has always been a passion of mine. Growing up with a single mom, we were stretched for money all my life. While the majority of my clothes were hand-me-downs or bought from thrift stores, my mom bought a sewing machine at the flea market, and together, we would spice up the used clothes we bought. I became obsessed with updating the clothes I had and then eventually was getting fabric at the store and creating my own outfits. My mom said I was a natural when it came to using the sewing machine and by high school, I was making almost all of my own clothes. Many of them were unique and very much me but still stylish. There were even some girls in my school who asked me to make dresses for them for homecoming and prom, and I was able to create a small business out of it.
Listening to fashion podcasts usually consists of me taking notes when the hosts talk about subjects I want to learn more about, but since I’m in a moving vehicle, I decide to lay my head back against the seat and absorb every word the hosts talk about.
Time goes by fast while I listen to my podcasts and before I know it, we are pulling into the guys’ house. Blaire fell asleep after eating through half of her snacks, probably in a food coma. Maddox’s truck is already in the driveway and the back looks empty from what I can see. Once the car comes to a stop, I nudge Blaire awake.
“What? What?” She looks around, frazzled. “We’re home already? What time is it?”
I look down at my phone. “A little after six. You passed out after eating a crazy amount of junk food.”
She looks down at the empty snack wrappers in her lap. “Damn, I really went a little crazy, didn’t I?”
Laughing, I shake my head. “Move it, candy junkie. I need to stretch my legs.”
Blaire stuffs all her candy and chips into the grocery bag, opens the door, and hops out of the car.
Following behind her, I moan when I’m able to extend my legs and reach my arms up toward the sky. “This was a much-needed and great vacation, but I am very happy with never sitting in a car ever again for more than an hour. My ass is killing me.” Blaire laughs at me while she is bent over, doing some stretching of her own.
The guys head to the back of the SUV and begin unloading. Between the four of us, we are able to get the car unloaded in no time. Camden and Conrad were sweethearts and made sure to grab the heaviest items, leaving Blaire and me with little to bring in.
Once the car is empty, we join everyone else in the living room. I plop down beside Conrad on the two-person sofa and snuggle up to his side. He takes a deep breath before wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
“Em, do you mind if Conrad drives you home and I take your car later? Camden and I are going to drive Trazia back home, so I’ll be back at our apartment late.”
Looking up at Conrad, I raise my eyebrow. “You okay with that?”
He nods.
I smile at my best friend. “No problem. Be nice to my baby, though. I’m sure she has missed me.”
Blaire rolls her eyes. “Your obsession with that car is insane.” She has always thought my love for Baby Blue, my car, was weird. I treasure that vehicle and make sure she is taken care of and loved.
“You ready to go now?” Conrad whispers in my ear.
“Oh, um, sure,” I stutter. I don’t want to leave, but he seems eager to drive me home. I’m sure he’s tired from the drive like I am, so maybe he wants to go to bed early.
We go around saying goodbye to our friends, and I tell Trazia it was great to meet her. Camden had said she was considering coming to Braxton next year. It would be nice to add another girl to our group. The guys far outnumber us.
Conrad grabs my bags and we head to his car. He’s quiet the entire ten-minute drive to my apartment and doesn’t rest his hand on my thigh like he normally does. Maybe he didn’t get to nap in the car and the lack of sleep last night is catching up to him.
In no time, we make it to my apartment, and he brings the bags up the elevator for me. I thank him once we are inside my room, and he smiles at me.
We head out of my room, and Conrad stops in the living room, turning toward me. “Em…we need to talk.”
My stomach sinks at those five words because nothing good comes after them.
Ican’t do this. I can’t fucking do this.