Just then, a hand clamps down on my shoulder. Hard. “Well, if it isn’t myson. How are we doing, Conrad?”
Without looking back at him, I answer, “Been a whole lot better since getting the fuck away from you.”
The hand on me tightens, and I try not to flinch at the slight pain. “Is that any way to speak to your father?”
Standing, I come face-to-face with him. “Wouldn’t know. Didn’t really have one of those growing up.”
Looking around, I spot my mother at the drink station with the dean and a few other people who I assume are alumni. She’s his pawn, playing her part to put on a good show, and I’m sure Mom was bribed to come here. It wouldn’t be the first time my father promised her a new piece of jewelry or upgraded her car in exchange for playing the doting wife.
My father masks it well, but I see the anger flash through his eyes. He would love nothing more than to go off on me right now like he usually would, but in a room full of people, he needs to be on his best behavior.
Howard looks past my shoulder at something, or someone, behind me. “Well, is this the whore you gave up your future for? And what is in your ears? You look like you’re ready to join a gang. Is this really the image you want to display to people?”
A gasp comes from the other side of the table, and I look over to see Blaire’s hand covering her mouth, eyes wide with shock. Looking back at my father, I square my shoulders. He may have a looming presence, but I have height and size over him, making me more intimidating in a physical sense.
“Keep her out of your mouth and show some respect to a woman.”
He offers up a dark chuckle and looks back at Emree. “I know a whore when I see one, son, and she is a whore. Her body was made for fucking. At least you chose well for yourself, but to give up your future for a good fuck toy? I told you once you marry Liliana, you can have whatever piece you want on the side.” His eyes travel up and down Emree’s body, and she shrinks at the obvious gawking. “Wouldn’t let this one go after the marriage. All those curves make for something good to hold on to.”
“Get the fuck out of here,” I say through clenched teeth. “I’m done with you, with your shitty obligations and your lack of care for your own family. Just get out of my fucking life.”
The side of his mouth rises in a patronizing smirk. “You really thought it would be that easy? Even if you came crawling back, no way would I let you have my company. But I do plan on making your life a miserable hell.” Leaning in, he whispers in my ear, “Disobey me and find out how shitty I can make your life, Conrad.” He turns and strides across the hall toward the exit. My mother must see him exit because she says something to the group she has been talking to and follows him out. Not saying a word to her own son.
The sounds in the room fade around me as I turn and cup my hands around Emree’s face. She looks as if she is in shock, not looking me in the eyes. “Baby, please look at me.” She doesn’t. “Give me those eyes, Emree. I need to know you’re okay.”
After stroking her cheek a few times, she finally lifts those beautiful blue eyes to meet mine.
“Hey, baby,” I say softly. “I love you. I love you so much, Emree, and I am so sorry he said all of that. None of it was true, okay?”
Her eyes begin to fill with tears, but they don’t fall.
“He’s horrible,” she whispers as she tries to blink away the moisture collecting in her eyes.
Smiling, I continue stroking her cheek as my other hand moves to her nape, pulling her toward me so I can place a chaste kiss on her lips. “I know, baby. But something really important I need you to understand is that nothing he says is true. He is a cruel man who is angry someone has gone against him, and he is trying to take that out on you because he knows it will hurt me.”
She musters up a weak smile. “I know. And I love you too.”
While I believe her words, part of me is worried about my father’s promise to ruin my life and it tearing the two of us apart.
Not sure I have ever been at a loss for words like I am right now. The banquet has ended, and as we pile back into the limo, it feels different than when we first got in here earlier in the evening. Now everyone is somber after the encounter with Mr. Dugray. Conrad has been quiet along with everyone else, but he has not stopped touching me in some way. With a hand on my hip or his fingers twined with mine, we have remained connected since leaving the hall.
The words his father said to Conrad and the things he said about me were cruel, and I have never met a person as horrible as that man. Conrad had told me a little bit about his father, but nothing could have prepared me for the man himself.
As the limo driver speeds through downtown, an awkward silence fills the car.
“Well, enough of this,” Maddox announces as he reaches for a chilled bottle of champagne. “Conrad’s dad is a dick. He said some shitty stuff that is in no way true, and we’re moving past it.” He fills up the glasses we used on the drive over and begins passing them out.
With Maddox breaking the silence, everyone relaxes and falls into casual conversation. During the drive, Conrad’s hand doesn’t leave my thigh the entire time, and when I cover it with my own, he smiles over at me. I want him to know that no matter what, there is an us. His father can throw every hurtful word at me and while they will sting, they will not make me love this man at my side any less.
The divider separating the driver from us lowers and the music drops a few notches. “Mr. Stone, are we taking the girls back to the apartment or heading to your residence?” he asks while looking through the rearview mirror.
Maddox looks at Blaire and me as Conrad’s hand on my thigh tightens. He needs me tonight, and I don’t feel like being away from him after what happened with his father.
Blaire has a shy smile on her face and red cheeks as Camden whispers in her ear. “Um, Em, I planned on staying with Camden tonight. Are you going back to the apartment or…” She leaves the question hanging in the air.