There is a loud pounding coming from the other side of the room, making me jump out of bed. My door is locked, and now I’m glad I thought ahead before going to bed last night. Camden still wasn’t home when I got back from the gym, but I knew the moment Blaire found out, she would tell him and he would kick my ass for hurting his girl’s best friend.

“Open the fucking door. I know you’re in there,” Camden yells from the other side of the door.

Taking a deep breath, I square my shoulders. “As long as you agree to calm the hell down.”

He stays quiet for a minute, but the pounding starts up again. “Nope. Thought about it, and you don’t deserve that. Open the damn door, or I will break it down.”

Deciding I would rather take the ass kicking than have to replace my bedroom door, I pull on a pair of shorts over my briefs and walk across the room. Flicking the lock, I swing the door open. The moment I see him, Camden’s fist makes contact with my face.

“Motherfucker,” I mutter as I stumble back.

Camden stalks toward me. “That’s just the beginning, shithead.”

I hold up my hands. “Can you just give me five fucking seconds to explain?”

He stops while towering over me. His nostrils flare as he takes in a breath. “Fine. Explain yourself.”

Last night, I decided I was going to come clean to my roommates. At least as much as I felt was needed. No other explanation would make sense as to why I broke up with Emree the way I did, and they are going to find out about my almost fiancée soon enough. Liliana will be coming to town in the next week or so and they are bound to meet her.

Walking away from my angry roommate, I take a seat on the end of my bed and try to ignore the throbbing in my face. “There are these…family obligations I need to uphold and cutting ties with Emree now is for the best.” Leaning forward, I rest my elbows on my thighs and put my head in my hands.

Camden is quiet. He is towering over me with his arms crossed over his chest. If it were possible, I am sure steam would be coming out of his ears based on how red his face is. “Going to need more of an explanation than that.”

Groaning, I stand because sitting while he’s glaring down at me like that is awkward. “I haven’t exactly told you much about my family. You all know I come from a rich family and I’ve never hidden that, but it’s more. The Dugrays are…old money. My great-great-great-grandparents came here from France or some shit. Didn’t really interest me when my dad would talk to me about our family history.”

Camden remains silent as I pause.

“My family’s name is important, and who I, as their oldest son, marry has been planned basically since before my conception. It has to be someone that comes from an important family, generally one that benefits my father’s business.”

Camden’s eyes widen. “Marriage? There’s no way in hell you’re getting married—”

“They’ve already picked someone,” I cut him off.

“Like…a fucking arranged marriage? Dude, you cannot be serious.” Camden’s face is filled with shock and this is the exact reason I did not want to tell the guys about this. None of them would understand.

I nod. “Exactly like an arranged marriage. That’s why I had to break it off with Emree.” I kick the leg of my bed. “Fuck, man, I should have never dated her this long, but I couldn’t stop. Now I’ve completely crushed her. You should have seen her face, Camden. I hate that I did that to her.”

“Yeah, Blaire called me this morning to tell me what a fuckup you are. My girl’s pissed, and I’m pissed at you for pissing her off.”

Maddox walks into my room. “Hey, what’s going on in here? You both have a little slumber party without me?” He comes over and lies down on my unmade bed. “I’m a little offended no one invited me for a cuddle last night.”

“Shut up, man,” Camden tells him, with an edge to his tone.

Maddox holds his hands up. “Whoa, hostile much?” He looks between the two of us. “What’s going on here?”

Camden raises an eyebrow. “Conrad dumped Emree last night and was just giving me the bullshit excuse that he has some arranged marriage or some shit.”

I roll my eyes. “It’s not some excuse. You just don’t understand because—”

“Oh, because I don’t come from a rich family?”

I remain silent because clearly, anything I say isn’t going to convince him what I’m saying is the truth.

Maddox’s face turns serious. “Who’d they set you up with?”

Looking at Maddox, I try to gauge if he is joking or legitimately curious. “Liliana Hawthorne,” I tell him.