He looks down at me beside him and the sides of his mouth reach up. “You ready to ditch these guys?”

I laugh and shake my head. “We just got to the fun part. Look at how happy Blaire is burning her first marshmallow. How could you want to leave this?”

Blaire is currently blowing out the small fire on her marshmallow while Camden is laughing beside her.

Conrad looks over at our friends and then back at me. “Yeah, but it’s our last night.” The way he says it makes me think there is more meaning behind his words.

Rising on my toes, I kiss his neck, trailing my lips to his mouth. “We’ll still have time tonight to be together. Plus, I’ll see you back in Braxton, just not every night like here.”

“Yeah,” he says, kissing me back before turning toward the fire to pull his marshmallow out. “We’ll have time back in Braxton.”



With two s’mores already downed, I’m ready to take Emree upstairs and get lost in her one last time. Over the last couple of days, I have come up with what I am going to say to her when we get back and how I am going to end our relationship. After running it through my head several times, I decided not to tell her the truth about the arranged marriage. I don’t want Emree to think less of me for marrying a stranger because my parents are making me. None of my friends, even Camden, who I tell almost everything, have any idea. It is not something any of them would understand because it sounds unbelievably insane when you really think about it. But this is the life I grew up in. The people in my life since I was young have all been through this kind of bullshit.

Maddox comes over and takes the seat Emree once occupied beside me. She moved to take pictures of Blaire roasting her first few marshmallows because the wonder on her face was something great to see.

“What’s going on with you lately, man? You haven’t been the most talkative or bubbly person, but you’ve been kind of…closed off.” Maddox’s words make me realize I have done a shit job of hiding what has been going on with me.

Rubbing my hands down my face, I think of how to convince him everything is fine. “Nothing, Mad. Just the normal family bullshit. You know the kind.” Luckily, Maddox comes from a family as fucking insane and rich as mine. Although his is new money and doesn’t care about family name as much as mine, so he wouldn’t ever have to go through something as senseless as an arranged marriage.

Maddox nods. “Yeah, man, I know what you mean. Anything I can help with?”

Bringing the beer bottle up to my mouth, I take a long pull before answering him. “Not much even I can do. Got some shitty family obligations I need to handle and my asshole father won’t let me out of them.”

Maddox laughs but not in a funny way. “Asshole fathers are my specialty. If you need anything at all, man, you know we’re here for you.” He slaps me on the shoulder before getting up and walking back to our group of friends standing by the fire.

Emree looks over and smiles at me. In the light of the fire, her blonde hair looks almost red and her tanned skin is glowing, highlighting her blue eyes. She ducks her head, breaking our eye contact, and the blush that graces her cheeks makes me wonder if she’s thinking what I am. That I want us to be alone together in our room right now.

Tossing the rest of the beer back, I get up and dump it in the trash can. With my sights set on Emree, I head in that direction. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I can’t help but notice how warm she feels after standing next to the fire for so long.

Pushing her hair to the side, I kiss her neck. “Let’s go,” I whisper into her ear. She shivers and nods.

Without saying a word, I grab her arm and pull her behind me toward the back door. Our departure doesn’t go unnoticed.

“And where do you think you’re taking Blondie?” Maddox asks, raising his eyebrow.

Emree giggles and tucks her face into my side.

“Going to bed with my girl, if you don’t mind.”

Maddox shakes his head and makes a tsking sound. “Ditching us on our last night. That’s cold, Conny.”

I roll my eyes and turn to head back through the sliding glass door. Our friends laugh from behind us and someone, I think Mateo, starts singing “Bow Chicka Wow Wow.” Even though we’re all in our early twenties, I swear this group of friends acts like immature teenagers sometimes.

Emree keeps up with my fast pace even though I’m basically dragging her up the stairs. Either she’s just as eager as I am to get into our room, or my grip on her hand is too tight for her to let go. I’m not complaining either way. The faster we get up there, the faster I get inside her.

Pulling her into the room, I shut the door behind us and push her up against it. “Fuck, I was about five seconds from taking you down there in front of all our friends if you didn’t agree to come up here with me.”

Emree tilts her neck back as I drag my lips along her collarbone.

Her hands run through my hair, pulling it slightly at the base. “Spending time with our friends was the point of this week.” She moans as I nip her earlobe before moving on to kissing her jaw.

My hands at her waist move up and cup her full breasts, massaging them through her shirt and bra. “Nope,” I tell her. “The point of this weekend was to see you in as little clothing as possible each day. You wear too many layers at school.”

She laughs, but it’s cut short when I capture her lips with mine. Reaching for the hem of her shirt, I lift it up and over her head, only breaking our kiss for a second. After throwing the tie-dye material on the floor, Emree cages my face between her hands and brings my mouth back to hers. She kisses me with the same eagerness that I have.