“I know,” I say with a sigh. “It’s frustrating. Ideally, I need something in town that’s between nine o’clock and three.”

Thankfully, Blake doesn’t seem to be judging me too hard. He’s focused on Ethan, watching the boy repeat the same sequence on the keyboard over and over. He’s trying to play a simple nursery rhyme.

“Oh, I know,” Olivia pipes up, looking pleased with herself.

“What?” I ask.

She’s got a mischievous look on her face as she looks between me and Blake. I figure out what she has planned before her words are even out. I don’t know how to handle what’s about to happen. Should I laugh it off? Should I wait and see how Blake reacts?

“Aren’t you looking for new staff? You told me that you fired some girls from the jewelry store,” Olivia says to her brother.

My cheeks flush with embarrassment at the thought of needing Blake’s help, but I can’t deny the appeal of a well-paying job. It could be the lifeline I desperately need to stabilize my financial situation.

“Yes, actually,” he responds. “I had some issues with thefts in the store. I had to get rid of some of the part-timers and the manager quit. I’m probably going to have to do some more in-house training and put more security in place. I’m not even sure I’ve caught the right culprit.” He sounds frustrated as he speaks, though I think theft must be a big problem. It must be hard to trust the staff with such expensive jewels.

“Well, it’s settled then,” Olivia says. “You know you can trust Lily. It will be like having a little spy. She’ll tell you if she sees anything suspicious. I’ll have Emma and Ethan while you two are at work.”

She makes it sounds so simple and I’m not sure what to say. Of course, I would keep an eye out on the staff if Blake needed me to. I’m not sure how he runs so many businesses all at once. It must be stressful so I’m happy to help if he’s struggling. It would be a win-win situation.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” I say, not meaning it for even a second.

I hope he insists. I’m praying that he’ll give me a chance but I’m too proud to beg out loud. I don’t want him to know how desperate I am.

“I’m sure I can find…something,” he agrees reluctantly. He shifts uncomfortably in the chair, and I cringe worried he’s being forced into giving me a job.

The room falls into silence as we both grapple with the implications of this arrangement. There’s a mixture of pride and shame swirling inside me, but I know I can’t let my ego get in the way of securing a stable income for Emma and me. Of course, Olivia is oblivious and thinks it’s a great idea.

“Fantastic! So, Lily, you can come here in the morning with Emma and I’ll watch her. Then, Blake, you can drive her in with you. There’s no point in her getting the bus if you’re both going to the same place.”

I want the floor to swallow me up, but at the same time, I feel a huge weight lift off my shoulders. If Blake drives me then I’ll have an extra hour in the morning. I won’t have to take the bus. One part of me hates that I’m using him like this, but another part of me knows that Olivia and Blake wouldn’t do all of this for me if they didn’t want to. Blake knows how to say no. He’s always been very straight to the point.

“Sounds fine,” he mutters and then gives me a small smile.

I try to shake off the unexpected attraction that sparks within me. It’s a dangerous path to tread, and I quickly remind myself that I’m better off alone. I can’t afford to get tangled in complicated emotions, especially with someone from my past. And Blake wouldn’t be interested in me anyway. He had to offer me a job because I’m so useless I can’t get one for myself. He probably thinks I’m an idiot. Plus, I’m pretty sure he’s married, though I’ve heard no mention of his wife from Olivia in a long time. I’ve mentioned her before but my friend always changes the subject. I have quickly learned to stop asking.

After a moment, I gather my courage and meet Blake’s gaze.

“Thank you,” I say, my voice portraying a hint of vulnerability. “I appreciate the offer. It could make a real difference for us.”

He nods, his guarded expression softening slightly.

“I’ll discuss the details with you tomorrow,” he replies curtly, his words carrying a mix of obligation and a glimmer of something I can’t quite decipher. “Do you want me to give you a lift home?”

I’m startled at the gesture. I want to accept but I already feel that he’s done more than enough. Olivia has bullied him into helping me and I don’t want to take advantage.

“It’s fine,” I assure him. “Emma loves the bus.”

“Bus!” she squeals into the microphone, and it breaks the awkwardness between us. We all laugh.

As I leave Olivia’s house, a whirlwind of emotions engulfs me. It’s a strange mix of gratitude and apprehension. I never imagined I would cross paths with Blake like this, and I can’t help but wonder what lies ahead. With a renewed sense of determination, I know I must embrace this opportunity, setting aside my reservations and focusing on securing a stable future for my daughter and myself.

Chapter 4


I’mshockedawakeasI hear Ethan’s scream. I scramble from my bed before I can even figure out what’s happening. I run to his room across the hallway, tripping over my own feet in my haste to get to him.

“Hey, hey,” I say as I heavily drop to my knees at the side of his bed. “What’s happened?” I look around him for clues of what might have caused such upset but there’s nothing.