Blake wraps his arm around Emma’s shoulders, joining in on the playful banter. “Yes, Emma, we’re going to live here all together. Every day will be a pool party!” he teases, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Emma giggles, her laughter filling the air. “This is the best day ever!” she yells, her voice echoing around the garden.

I can’t help but agree with her sentiment. It really is.



Thesoundoflaughterand excitement fills the air, creating a symphony of joy that reverberates through our new home. Ethan and Emma, the stars of our blended family, scamper from room to room, their laughter echoing through the hallways. Their faces light up with sheer delight as they claim their bedrooms, their own personal havens within this house that now holds all of our dreams.

“Are you sure we can live here, mommy?” Emma asks, looking around her new bedroom. It is triple the size of the room she is used to so I understand her hesitance.

“Yes, baby, this is our new home. See, all your things are in here,” Lily tells her.

I nod and grab a box which is labeled—’Emma’s teddies’, opening it for her and then placing it on the floor.

“See,” I assure her.

She grins as she peers into the box. “Thank you, Blake, I love you,” she tells me.

Her words of love hit me all at once and my heart feels warm. I’m so happy that I can support this little girl and ensure she gets all the best things in life.

“I love you too,” I remind her sincerely.

“Ethan! I found Freckles!” Emma calls and then runs from the room, Freckles the bear in her hand.

We watch as Ethan appears too. He grabs Freckles and then runs away, making Emma squeal in delight and then run after him.

“You two stop running!” Lily warns. “You’re going to knock one of the poor movers down the stairs!”

The two giggle, and the sound of them running continues.

We exchange a look. It’s hard work having two young children, but we wouldn’t change it for the world.

“Excuse me?” one of the movers asks, popping his head into Emma’s room.

“Yeah?” I ask.

“I’m not sure about this, it’s not labeled,” he says. He’s carrying a large box that looks heavy.

I shrug. “Don’t ask me, pal. She’s the boss,” I say, gesturing towards Lily.

“Oh, it’s for the office,” she says and then follows the man. “Just down here.”

I have no idea how she knows, but she just does.

Lily, my partner and the love of my life, moves gracefully through the rooms, her presence commanding attention as she effortlessly takes charge. Her radiant smile and infectious laughter fill the space, infusing it with a sense of warmth and happiness. The way she effortlessly multitasks, overseeing the movers and directing the placement of furniture, amazes me. She’s a force to be reckoned with, a true superhero in my eyes.

She isn’t allowed to carry anything or unpack. Her pregnancy, nearing its final weeks, has brought about a captivating glow that seems to emanate from within. As her hand lovingly rests on her growing belly, a mix of awe, love, and anticipation swells within me. We are about to embark on a new chapter of our lives, welcoming our little one into the world. The thought of holding our newborn in my arms fills me with an indescribable mix of nervousness and excitement. We’ve created a home where our family will thrive, and I can’t wait to witness the love and joy that will overflow from these walls.

Amidst the blur of unpacking boxes and the movers arranging furniture, my eyes are constantly drawn to Lily. I steal glances whenever I can, unable to resist the magnetic pull she has on me. She is my anchor, my rock, and my greatest source of inspiration. Amid the chaos, her presence brings a sense of calm and serenity to my soul.

After a few hours, we are finally alone. Me and Lily, and the children. We work together, organizing our belongings and creating a sense of familiarity in our new surroundings. I can’t help but be overwhelmed by a profound sense of gratitude. We have come so far, overcoming obstacles and challenges, and now we stand here, on the precipice of a new beginning.

We’ve been so immersed in the process of unpacking and settling into our new home that the concept of time seems to have slipped away from us. It’s only when Emma and Ethan, with their adorable pouts and hungry expressions, cling onto us that we realize just how famished we all are. Their complaints about their rumbling tummies fill the air, and it’s impossible to ignore their pleas any longer.

Emma’s whine breaks through the noise, reaching my ears with an urgency that demands immediate attention. "Blake, we are starving," she says, her voice tinged with a mixture of impatience and hunger. I can’t help but chuckle at her determination.