“Blake’s right, Matthew,” Lily agrees.

“Come on,” I say. “We need to talk about what happened at the hospital.”

Lily nods, her gaze still filled with a mix of worry and relief. “Yes, of course, Blake. I’m sorry Matthew, I promise that I will text you this time to reschedule. Let’s go.”

As we turn to leave, I glance back at Matthew, his bewildered expression reminding me of the complexities that exist between him and Lily. Why is he back? What does he want? For Emma’s sake, I hope that this isn’t a sign that things are about to get more complicated.

Chapter 21


WestepintoOlivia’shouse, the familiar scent of her home wrapping around me like a warm embrace. The atmosphere is a bit tense as Blake and I exchange glances, anticipating the difficult conversation that lies ahead.

“We’re back, Livy,” he calls.

The woman appears, looking confused, Emma trailing after her.

“Where did you go last night?” she asks. “I got home in the early hours and you and Ethan were gone. I worried you’d packed up and left.”

I look at each of the twins, surprised that Blake hadn’t told his sister what happened last night. Instead of seeking comfort from her, he wanted to tell me first. It is a touching revelation because it shows how much I mean to him. I also feel terrible because he struggled with this all alone last night.

“What’s wrong, Ethan?” Emma asks, tilting her head as she looks at him.

Ethan, exhausted from his eventful night, clings to Blake’s side, his sleepy eyes reflecting the remnants of worry and discomfort. We exchange a silent understanding, determined to shield him from any further distress.

“He needs to get to bed, sweetheart,” Blake says.

Olivia, sensing the weight of the situation, takes charge. She leads Emma outside, engaging her in conversation and distracting her with the offer of turning on the bubble machine. Their laughter echoes through the open window, providing a temporary reprieve from the heavy air that hangs within the room.

“Come on, bedtime.”

Blake gently guides Ethan towards the staircase, his strong yet gentle touch reassuring the little boy. I follow closely behind, my hand hovering near the small of Ethan’s back, offering silent support. We ascend the stairs, the creaking wood a familiar lullaby of comfort.

In Ethan’s room, his bed stands like a sanctuary, waiting to cradle him into a peaceful sleep. Blake carefully eases Ethan down onto the soft sheets, arranging his favorite stuffed animals around him with tender care. I watch them, my heart swelling with love for this man who cares so deeply. As we tuck him in, I can’t help but notice the way Ethan’s eyes flutter, his body already surrendering to the promise of rest. The lines of worry that are etched into his face begin to fade, replaced by the serenity of slumber.

“We need to talk,” Blake says softly.

I turn my attention to him, his eyes meeting mine, their depths reflecting the turmoil we’ve faced together. Closing Ethan’s bedroom door with a gentle click, we step into the hallway. The muffled sounds of Olivia and Emma’s laughter drift through the house, serving as a reminder of the joy that still resides within the chaos.

“What happened?” I ask softly.

“Not here,” he replies.

He leads me to his room, and we close the door behind us. I’ve been in here a few times, but this time the atmosphere is serious. I can tell that something has shaken Blake to the core. We sit down on the end of his bed and face each other. Blake’s grip on my hand tightens, his fingers interlacing with mine as if seeking comfort in our connection. I can feel the weight of his exhaustion and it fills me with an ache of understanding. The unspoken words hang in the air, heavy with the need for truth and healing.

“As I said, I was at the hospital with Ethan,” Blake finally says, his voice carrying a mix of weariness and concern. “He had a seizure, Lily. It was…terrifying. He wouldn’t stop shaking. I thought I was going to lose him.”

My heart lurches at his words and I feel a wave of guilt wash over me. How could I have been so consumed by my own emotions that I failed to realize the ordeal he had been through with Ethan? The realization hits me like a tidal wave, and I squeeze his hand tighter, seeking to convey my remorse and empathy. I should have called him last night and told him about Matthew. If I had, then he wouldn’t have been so shocked this morning after his horrible night.

“I had no idea, Blake,” I whisper, my voice tinged with sorrow. “I’m so sorry. Is he going to be okay? This isn’t…like Sarah, is it?”

“No,” he says. “They did so many tests and rushed them through for me. He’s okay. To be safe they want to see him again in six months. They’ve given me some medicine to give him if it happens again.”

I feel like a weight has been lifted from me. Nothing could be worse than going through that again. It would be so much worse with Ethan. Blake can’t take any more heartbreak in his life.

“That’s good,” I say relieved. “So, it’s a good prognosis.”

He nods, but he still looks at me with an expression I don’t understand. He gulps thickly, breaking eye contact with me.