“That’s okay,” I tell Ethan, bending slightly so I’m closer to his height. I don’t want to intimidate the shy boy. He’s only a couple of inches taller than my daughter, so he can’t be much older than her. “You don’t have to talk. You can just play. Emma will go with you.”
Emma’s eyes light up, and she gently reaches for Ethan’s arm, eager to explore the wonders of the playground. He turns his gaze toward his auntie, who nods in encouragement. He lets Emma tug him.
“Come on, Ethan! Swings! They’re the best part!” Emma’s voice is filled with infectious enthusiasm.
Ethan hesitates, his reserved nature wrestling with the urge to join in the adventure. With a nod and a hint of bravery, he follows Emma’s lead, his small hand clasping hers as they embark on their first escapade together.
I turn to Olivia in surprise. “He’s just wonderful. He looks so much like you!” I can’t believe it. It’s uncanny.
“I know.” She laughs and nods. “Perks of having a twin: his kid looks just like me.”
We both walk over to a picnic bench so we can watch the kids together. Olivia is carrying a picnic basket so we’ll be here for a few hours at least. It will be good for Emma who is full of boundless energy. It might tire her out.
“So, is he back?” I ask curiously.
Olivia’s twin brother, Blake, had seemingly disappeared from our uneventful town. I can’t blame him. Why would anyone willingly return to such a place when they had the means to explore the world? He had ventured off after college, chasing his ambitions and amassing a fortune along the way. The occasional glimpse of him at family gatherings was my only reminder of his existence, but even those encounters became scarce after their mother’s passing. It had been years since I last laid eyes on Blake, but our connection remained intact in my memory. We have always shared a genuine camaraderie, easily finding common ground and laughing through life’s ups and downs. However, as time passed, the distance between us grew, and the details of his personal life became a mystery to me. I vaguely know he’s married, but the specifics of his wife and child remain shrouded in ambiguity.
“Yeah, and this time it might be for good,” she says softly. Olivia’s eyes sparkle mischievously as she reveals a secret: “He’s staying at mine for a few months.”
The news crashes over me like a wave, leaving me slightly breathless. My curiosity piques, and a sense of intrigue dances in my veins. Suddenly I feel seventeen years old again, crushing on my best friend’s brother in secret and knowing that he’d never look twice at me. I quickly squash it down. It’s been years. That was just a silly crush and we’ve both moved on, taking different directions in life.
“Oh. That’s…good,” I reply, not sure what else to say about it.
I have a lot of questions about why some hotshot would move here, but I know Blake is a private person and Olivia isn’t the kind of person to spill someone else’s drama.
“Yeah, it means I get to be a real auntie to Ethan,” she responds. “And if I’m honest, I miss my brother. We don’t see each other very often.”
I’m happy for her. Family is important. I know how much she misses her mom. I miss her all the time so I can’t imagine how she feels. Having Blake and Ethan back here must be a dream come true. We never thought Blake would come home.
“Good, that’s what you always wanted,” I respond.
I’m happy for her.
As the children play together, their laughter intertwines like the branches of a blooming tree, I find myself observing them with a mixture of warmth and longing. Emma’s eyes light up with every interaction, cherishing the companionship that comes from having a playmate by her side. A pang of yearning stirs within me, a desire for a sibling for Emma, something I have always dreamed of. I would love to have someone for Emma to play with. I never wanted just one child. Unfortunately, my ex-partner didn’t feel the same and dropped the bomb that he didn’t want childrenafterI’d given birth.
“So, what happened at the store?” she asks.
Olivia’s inquisitive gaze meets mine.
An exasperated sigh escapes my lips, my voice tinged with bitterness as I admit, “I got fired.”
The weight of disappointment hangs heavily in the air. Olivia’s frown deepens as she absorbs the news.
“What for?” Concern colors her voice as she responds, frustration is evident on my behalf. “It seems like you have the worst luck,” she laments, her words filled with a mixture of sympathy and annoyance.
“Tell me about it,” I say. A tinge of resignation seeps into my tone as I recount the reason for my dismissal. “They said I took too many sick days in my probationary period but it was because I had to take some time off when Emma got scarlet fever from preschool.”
The injustice of it all lingers in the air and Olivia shakes her head in disbelief.
“That’s so wrong,” she asserts, her expression mirroring her disapproval. “You said you had some things lined up?”
With a nod, I retrieve my phone from my pocket, my fingers deftly navigating through the screen to access the list I have meticulously compiled.
“Yeah, I’ve applied to a few retail positions in town. I’ve noted down the interview dates,” I reply, a glimmer of hope flickering in my eyes. Yet, despite my preparations, uncertainty clouds my mind. Seeking reassurance, I inquire hesitantly, “Are you sure it’s not too much trouble for you to have Emma?”
Olivia’s gaze sharpens, her reaction making it abundantly clear that my question is stupid. A hint of amusement tugs at the corners of her lips as she shoots me a pointed look.
“I love spending time with Emma. It will be fun,” she reassures me, her confidence unwavering. “Besides, the kids can play together. Blake is busy checking in on his businesses. He’s local now. He’s been house-hunting like crazy. You know, all those boring, mundane adult things. Ethan will be with me while he’s gone. I’m sure I can keep them both entertained in the day.” Her words carry an underlying sense of excitement, emphasizing the joy and camaraderie that awaits our children during their time together. It gives me the assurance that I need.