Turning my attention back to the room, I see Lily emerging sheepishly from her hiding spot, her dress pulled down her thighs to cover her underwear. Our eyes meet, and in that silent exchange, a myriad of emotions pass between us—regret, longing, and the weight of an unspoken agreement.

“This was a mistake,” she says softly, her voice tinged with regret. “We should stop and…uh, forget about this.”

Disappointment washes over me like a crashing wave, but deep down, I know she’s right. The impending reality of college looms before us. Our paths will diverge, and starting something we can’t continue would be unfair to both of us. I nod, a mix of sadness and acceptance swirling within me.

“You’re right,” I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. “We should probably let it go.”

“It can be our little secret,” she suggests, her voice holding a touch of hope. We make an unspoken agreement, a mutual understanding that this connection, intense and electrifying as it may be, will remain nothing more than a fleeting memory. It’s the right decision, even as my heart protests. She takes a seat on the bed beside me, the silence filled with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires.

“Thanks for the kiss,” she says softly, vulnerability shining through her eyes. “No one’s ever kissed me before.”

Her admission sends a jolt through me, my heart fluttering with a mix of joy and longing.

“I’m sure you’ll kisslotsof boys,” I say, my voice laced with bittersweet sincerity. “But remember, you’re really special, Lily.”

She chuckles, a hint of sarcasm in her reply, masking the complexity of her emotions. “Sure.”

To change the atmosphere, I offer a distraction. “You want to play a game instead?” I suggest, gesturing toward the television, hoping to ease the tension that lingers between us.

She nods, accepting the invitation, and together we grab the remotes, feeling a bit less sad. The console springs to life, and the sounds of the game pull us in. Distracted as I am by the immersive game, I still feel a sense of loss. Unspoken desires linger in the room but we can push it aside. We could have had something beautiful, something more than friendship but sometimes, the right choice is also the hardest one to make.

With a bittersweet smile on my face, I take a deep breath, pushing aside my own desires and embracing the night for what it is. At least we’ll always be friends.

Chapter 1


Inthehustleandbustle of my small apartment, I watch as my daughter, Emma, twirls around with excitement. Her pink dress flares, and her short curly brown hair bounces around her as she squeals in delight.

“Are you excited to see Auntie Olivia?” I ask as I fill a bag full of essentials that I might need for my hyperactive four-year-old.

“Livy!” she yells.

I smile at her fondly.

It’s officially summer vacation and Emma is thrilled to be out of preschool and to have more time to play with me before she starts kindergarten in the fall. We’ve made plans to meet Olivia at the local park. The sun is shining, casting a warm glow that mirrors the joy in my heart. I’m excited to spend the next few weeks with my daughter, making new memories together. I want nothing but the best for her after everything she’s been through in her short life.

As we make our way to the park, I can’t help but feel a tinge of excitement. Olivia mentioned earlier that she had a surprise for Emma. She’s always making grand gestures, taking her on days out and buying her extravagant gifts. She’s been good to Emma, and I appreciate all the time and the effort. Olivia’s not even her real auntie, but my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were kids, so it’s all the same to us.

I haven’t seen Olivia in a couple of weeks. I’m unemployed right now, so she’s offered to meet with me and schedule what days she can watch Emma. I can’t wait to see her. Olivia has always had a way of infusing even the simplest moments with laughter and magic. I’m sure that today will be no different and she’ll find a way to cheer me up about my current situation.

It’s truly a beautiful day at the park, and we’ve caught the sunshine. Excitement fills the air. Children’s laughter dances on the breeze, mingling with the melodies of birdsong. As we get closer, I can see Olivia has someone with her. It’s a face I’ve never seen before but holds a striking resemblance to my dearest friend.

“Oh, my goodness!” I say enthusiastically, excitement bubbling up inside of me as I process what I’m seeing. “Hello, sweetie. I’m Lily and this is Emma.”

The little boy—who can only be Olivia’s nephew—hides shyly behind her legs.

Olivia grins at me with a nod.

“Emma, this is Ethan,” she introduces.

Emma looks thrilled and is bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement.

“Hi, hi!” she greets him with a wave.

“He’s a little shy,” Olivia adds when he doesn’t say anything. “He doesn’t talk.”

My brow furrows as I glance toward Olivia. I’m not sure if she means that he can’t talk, or if he prefers not to. Either way, now isn’t the time for asking questions.