“Jesus, guys, don’t stop flirting on my account,” she jokes.

My face flames and I hide my embarrassment by taking a long swig of my wine. I hope that Blake doesn’t notice.

Chapter 6


Thefollowingdays,wefall into a routine. Olivia watches the children during the day, and me and Lily go to the shop. She picks up the training easily. I learn that she’s clever and polite, and more importantly, she’s fantastic with customers. She sells her first engagement ring to a gentleman looking to propose and I can see how proud she is to be a part of something so special. As I predicted, the girls at the store try to swoop in and steal her sales commission, but I’ve got Lily’s back. With a little guidance, she learns to be strong and say no. We go to lunch together every day. By Friday, she takes to the job like a duck to water.

When Lily and Emma stay for dinner that evening, I insist on driving them home. Olivia had mentioned that the bus takes them another half an hour and it was already late. I tell myself that it’s because Lily’s worked so hard all week and deserves some rest, but deep inside, I know that it’s more than that.

As I walk back through the door, I make my way into the sitting room. I can feel Olivia’s accusatory gaze boring into me, her brows furrowed in concern. She’s always been the perceptive one, able to unravel the complexities of my emotions with a single glance. Maybe it’s because we’re twins. She sees through me like no one else. I’ve never been able to hide things from her. I can’t help but feel a pang of unease deep within me.

“What’s going on, Blake?” she asks. Her voice is filled with a mixture of curiosity and worry.

“What do you mean?” I ask, feigning ignorance.

She gives me a look of disbelief.

“I’ve noticed the way you look at Lily and the way you act around her. It’s like you have a crush on her or something.”

I try to play it cool. I sit down and grab the TV remote, opening the Netflix menu as I feel her eyes burn a hole in the side of my head. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, my eyes averted, unable to meet her piercing gaze. The truth hangs heavy in the air, and I know that I can no longer hide behind the walls I’ve carefully constructed over the past year. It’s not like it works anyway, Olivia sees straight through them.

“Not anymore,” I say with a shrug. “Doesn’t matter anyway.”

“Anymore?” she repeats. “So, there was something?”

I can hear the cogs turning in her and I sigh. I already know that I’ve lost.

“Fine. I…I did have a crush on her,” I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. “Back when we were teenagers. But that was a long time ago, Olivia. Before I met Sarah.”

I try not to think about what happened before I left for college. I still don’t want Olivia to know what happened that night. Lily and I agreed to keep it a secret so I’m not about to share without her permission. I don’t want to betray her trust.

Olivia’s expression softens and a glimmer of understanding flickers in her eyes. She knows the pain I carry but that doesn’t stop her from probing deeper, searching for answers. “I understand, Blake,” she says gently, her voice filled with empathy. “But do you think that those feelings might have resurfaced?”

Frustration simmers within me, tinged with a hint of guilt. How can I explain the whirlwind of emotions that have consumed me in recent days? The conflicting desires threaten to unravel the carefully constructed life I’ve built for myself.

“It’s complicated, Olivia,” I reply, my voice tinged with a mix of defensiveness and uncertainty. “I can’t just act on these feelings. I have responsibilities. I have Ethan to think about. What about Sarah?”

Olivia leans forward, her voice filled with sisterly concern. “I know you’ve been through so much, Blake. But you can’t let fear dictate your every move. Lily is a good person, and you deserve to be happy.”

Anger flares within me, frustration boiling over. How can she presume to understand the depths of my pain? The complexities of my heart? I rise from my seat, unable to contain the rising tide of emotions.

“What. About. Sarah?” I repeat louder, turning to look at my sister in shock at her words.

She frowns. “Blake, Sarah is—”

“You think you know everything, don’t you?” I snap, my voice laced with bitterness. “You think you can just waltz into my life and tell me what I deserve? Well, you don’t know the first thing about it, Olivia! You have no idea how I feel, so just stop pretending!”

Her eyes widen, hurt flickering across her face. She never expected such a vehement response, and at this moment, I realize the sharpness of my words. Guilt washes over me, mingling with the frustration that still lingers.

“I’m sorry,” I mumble, my voice filled with remorse. I feel overwhelmed with stormy feelings trapped inside of me. “I didn’t mean to lash out like that. It’s just…it’s too soon. I’m not ready.”

Olivia’s gaze softens, forgiveness shining in her eyes. She reaches out and places a hand on mine, a gesture of understanding and support.

“I know it’s difficult, Blake,” she says gently, her voice filled with compassion. “But sometimes, the unexpected can lead to the most beautiful moments in life. Don’t close yourself off to the possibility of happiness.”

We sit in silence for a moment, the weight of our words hanging in the air. Deep down, I know Olivia is right. I can’t let fear hold me back forever. Perhaps it’s time to confront my demons, take a step toward the unknown, and see where this journey with Lily might lead me.