Page 95 of Ringer's Freedom

We celebrate with a shot and beers at the bar, with him on this side of the bar this time.

Wes is manning the bar tonight and pours another shot, pushing it towards Patch. “Congrats, man.”

“You’re next, kid. Keep it up,” my dad says from next to me. I smile to myself, remembering what Ghost told me about how Dad found Wes.

“You getting sensitive in your old age, Pops?” I joke, bouncing my arm off my dad’s weathered one.

“Fuck off, kid. Where’s the wife tonight?” he asks quietly, only loud enough for me to hear.

“Home with Sasha.”

“Reaper’s lady?”

I nod, gesturing toward Reaper. “You think Reaper will finally take an ol’ lady?”

“Fuck if I know, kid. You live with him. You’d know better than me.”

“I don’t live with him, Pops. We’re practically neighbors. I don’t see what goes on inside his house.”

“Fair enough.”

Reaper must sense we’re talking about him because he stops next to us, tapping his beer bottle against my dad’s and then mine. “What’s going on?”

We gain the attention of the other guys surrounding us.

“Ring here was just wondering if you were gonna take an ol’ lady or not?” my dad chuckles.

Reaper’s eyes settle on mine with a smirk. I can feel everyone’s eyes on us as they wait for his answer, like a bunch of little old ladies waiting for juicy gossip. “Are you?”

“If that’s what she wants, yeah,” I admit.

“Only if she wants?” Lilah’s dad asks me, his playful gaze burning against my skin.

“If you ask her if she’s my ol’ lady, she might kick you in the fucking balls. Not my fault, man. If you ask me, fuck yes, she’s my ol’ lady.”

Reaper chuckles, his shoulders shaking from his laughter. “That’s why she and Sasha make such good friends. Sash’s the same fucking way.”

“Another one bites the fucking dust!” Razor cheers.

We celebrate with another round of beers before Reaper, and I say goodnight and head back home in the same direction to our respective ol’ ladies.



Wakingup with Ringer’s head between my legs this morning was the best wake-up call I’ve ever had.

Now I’m blowing up hundreds of balloons to decorate the dance studio, and I’m shamelessly still thinking about it.

“Earth to Lilah,” Winnie sing-songs, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

The balloon I was in the middle of blowing up with her machine pops in my hands, and I realize I must have let it fill up with too much air while I was daydreaming. “Shit! Sorry,” I giggle.



“I can honestly say I’ve never had dick so good that I can’t focus on something as simple as blowing up a balloon,” Winnie giggles.