Page 90 of Ringer's Freedom

“Yeah, Maggie had me make her a cake. They just did something small since Horse was still in a coma.”

“I missed her birthday?” Razor asks out loud to no one in particular.

I look down at Lilah and catch her eye. It seems our friend Razor has caught feelings for a brother’s daughter.

Don’t I know how that feels.

Except not only is Claudia the daughter of a brother, but she’s also the sister of another.

I slap him on the shoulder and squeeze. “Good luck with that, man.”

The gesture must startle Razor, who appears to have been stuck in a daydream about Claudia. He jumps and asks, “Good luck with what?”


Razor scoffs at my one-word response and turns on his heel to stalk out of the room.

“What the hell was that about?” Lilah mutters.

“Who fucking knows,” I answer.

“I hope he doesn’t actually have feelings for her.”

“Why not? Razor’s a good dude.”

“I love Razor. He’s amazing.”

I let out a growl at the sound of her sweet voice admitting that she loves another man. I know she means it in a friendly way, not in a romantic way, but I can’t control the possession that overtakes me.

Her small giggle has my tense muscles relaxing as she runs the palm of her hand across my stomach. “I don’t mean it like that.” She rolls her eyes and pats my stomach again. “I just meant because he’s been around town if ya know what I mean.”


“Let’s just say I can’t even count on two hands the number of times I have walked into the clubhouse and seen him with a woman on her knees in front of him or with someone bent over something.”

“You better not have looked.”

“Oh, I looked. It would have been illegal for me not to have.”

Lilah lets out another bubbly giggle as I scowl at her. “Not funny.”

“You look like you just stepped in dog shit. It’s very funny.”

“You want me to watch someone fuck one of your friends?”

Lilah’s smile drops, and it’s her turn for a scowl to befall her features. “I’ll cut your dick off.”

I wince, grabbing hold of my prized jewels at the thought. I lean forward and kiss her, shutting down this conversation. It makes me happy as shit to know that she seems to be just as jealous and possessive of me as I am of her.

“Only got eyes for you, babe.”

“Good,” Lilah says, crossing her arms over her chest.

Ghost and Trigger make a toast to Pebbles with her new place, and the whoops and hollers echo throughout the room as we all cheer for her.

“It’s fucking Wednesday, so let’s go party!” my brother yells.

I press my lips to Lilah’s ear as she sips on the purple plastic cup in her hand. “Wanna go to The Castle?”