Page 88 of Ringer's Freedom



It’slike an unspoken mutual acceptance passed between us back in that alley. Once we’re at the party, Ringer doesn’t take his hands off of me. Whether it’s a simple hand at the small of my back or his arm wrapping around my waist with his thumb hooking through my belt loop, he’s constantly touching me in some way until Sasha asks for help setting out all of the baked goods. It’s only then that he unhands me, which seems to make him rather grumpy.

Dad and Sasha were the only two to comment on our tardiness as we walked in. Sasha gave me a wink and a thumbs up, and my dad just shook his head in exasperation. I laughed and pressed a kiss to Dad’s cheek.

As we wait for Pebbles, the guest of honor, to arrive, we hang out against the mirrored wall and listen to Ringer tell my dad all about the gym he wants to open in one of the vacant spaces at the other end of the plaza. Sasha stands next to my dad and offers her input into bits of their conversation as I take in the room.

Pebbles used to be a stripper, ordanceras they all used to say, at The Castle. She worked there to save money to make her dream of owning her own studio a reality. Unlike me, she didn’t want to ask the club for help. She wanted to do it herself, and I respect the hell out of it. But unfortunately, I didn’t have that option. I can’t dance for shit, and I could never saunter naked around a room full of peering, beady eyes. I have nothing but respect for the hustle.

Even before the attack, Trigger and Ghost wanted to do something nice for her to show her how much she truly means to the family. As soon as the club bought this strip, they knew this corner storefront was perfect. They remodeled the entire thing, even knocking down the wall and using the empty business next to it as extra space.

They’ve been working for months behind her back to make this into the perfect studio for her. Luckily for them, I follow her on Pinterest and was able to send them her mood board. Poor guys were so confused when I sent it to them, but they must have figured it out and paid attention based on how this place turned out.

This room is going to be for her more adult clients and classes, where her pole fitness classes will be the main attraction. We’re surrounded by two walls painted such a dark purple that they’re almost black, but the room is lightened by the reflection of the overhead lights in the floor-to-ceiling mirrors on two of the walls. Twelve shiny silver poles litter the room with space between each one, giving the ability for the person using it to stretch out.

All eyes jump to the door as it pushes open to reveal Pebbles, who is clearly completely shocked, and a grinning Trigger.

Pebbles's eyes are lined with tears as she scans the faces of her loved ones around the room. Even though not one person here is her blood, we will always be her family. Her dad was a very important member of the club and an even more important person in all of our hearts. He was one of my dad’s closest friends and a damn awesome guy.

I watch as Lyric and Bones greet Pebbles near the door, and I see the panic rise in her eyes before she turns and excuses herself from the room in a hurry. No one blames her, this is the first time she’s had to be around the entire group in weeks, add a brand new studio on top of that, I don’t blame her for freaking the fuck out.

Brenna follows behind her shortly after she ducks out of the room, and the rest of the crowd’s conversations resume.

Lyric saunters up to us a few seconds later and drops her skinny arm around my neck. “What in the motherfuck is going on here?” she asks with her perfectly shaped brow raised, nodding between me and Ringer.

I take a deep breath before answering her, but Ringer beats me to it. “What can I say? Girl’s got me hooked.”

Warmth settles low in my belly at the possession burning in his eyes as he looks down at me. I let a sigh of relief loose and turn to smile at Lyric. I’m thankful as hell he didn’t throw out our marital status in the middle of Pebbles’ party. This is her night, not ours.

“Sure looks to me like it’s the other way around,” Lyric laughs, pointing at the finger he has looped through my jeans.

Ringer shrugs, bringing me closer to his chest as he kisses the side of my head. “Either way.”

“Huh.” Lyric studies us again before smiling at me. “You go, girl.” Getting closer to me, she whispers in my ear, “If he’s anything like his brother, all I have to say is congratulations. Also, witch hazel and ice packs do wonders for a bruised pussy.”

My eyes widen at her confession as she winks, sauntering away in her towering heels.

What the hell?That was way more information than I was ever wanting when it comes to Ghost. Unwanted images flash through my brain of Ghost and Lyric going at it. As attractive as the two of them are, I don’t ever want those visuals of a man I consider a brother, ever again.

“If you’re visualizing my brother naked, we’re going to have problems.” My eyes snap to Ringer’s and the playful smile on his lips. I exhale in relief.

“You heard her?”

“Of course, I heard her. You’re pressed up against me, and she doesn’t whisper too well,” he chuckles, pulling me tighter into his chest. “Good for my brother.”

I elbow him in the gut and earn a satisfied grunt as the air escapes him. “Quit looking at her ass.”

“Babe, how many times have we been to The Castle? I’ve seen much more than just her fucking ass.”

I roll my eyes, swatting his stomach and lowering my voice. “Yeah, but you don’t need to remind yourwifeof that fact.”

“Ah. So we’re claiming to be my wife in public now?”

“No. Yes. Maybe,” I huff out a breath and turn to face him. “Not yet. I’m okay with people seeing us together, but I’m not ready for all that yet.”

“Fair enough. So if you’re okay with people knowing we’re together, does that mean I get to do this?” he asks as he presses his lips to mine.