Page 76 of Ringer's Freedom

Collecting my drinks, I push my way back across the club to where she sits.

Lilah jumps with a start when I drop down to squat in front of her.

“What’s wrong?” I ask. The music is low enough that I don’t have to scream for her to hear me.

“Nothing,” she says, taking the glass of ice water I offer her.

“Bullshit, Lilah. You’ve been smiling since we walked in, but the second my brother sat down, you looked like you were about to cry.”

Her gaze snaps over to Ghost before settling back on mine. The moisture in her eyes has me feeling murderous. “He hates me now, doesn't he?”

Her question has my jaw clenching, and I push up from my spot in front of her. Stepping around the back of my brother’s chair, I tap him on the shoulder. “I need a word.”

I follow behind him as he strides toward the bar. I don’t give a fuck how fucking pissed my brother is at me. I don’t give a fuck if he hates the idea. But I willnotsit back and allow him to disrespect my fucking woman.

* * *


I was fine when Ringer led me into the club.

I was fine when I sat down with Sasha and Razor.

I was fine watching all of the beautiful women parade around and gyrate on stage.

I was fine when my dad, Sasha, and Bones gave Ringer and me knowing looks as we walked up to the group.

I was fine when Ringer threw a minor fit due to my neglect of attention towards him.

I wasfine.

Until I wasn’t.

Nervousness and anxiety annihilate my system as Ghost joins our group. His deep voice sends chills wracking through my body. I can see him out of the corner of my eye from where I’m sitting. First, he drops his overly large paws on his dad’s shoulders. Then he makes his rounds of the group, just like any leader should.

I avert my gaze back to the stage as he comes to a stop at Razor. Ghost drops down into the seat on the other side of him, and my heart pounds as he strikes up a chat. He obviously has no plans of leaving anytime soon.

At one point in time, I may have looked up to both Ringer and Ghost like big brothers. Obviously, that didn’t last long with Ringer, but Ghost hasalwaysbeen my unofficial brother.

One of my main protectors.

For the entire time that Ringer was away, Ghost was there for me if I needed help, and my dad wasn’t cutting it.

Ghost helped me build my bakery. Ghost helped me start my business. Ghost has been my cheerleader and my confidant for eight years.

And what have I done for the last three weeks since I came home from Vegas after marrying his brother?

Ignore him.

Avoid him like the plague.

I amterrifiedof the disappointment I justknowI’m going to find in his gaze. I’m not used to a disappointed Ghost. I’m used to a big teddy bear with a dorky smile on his overly handsome face.

When Ringer drops down in front of me, I’m forced to look up as he questions me about Ghost. When I do, I’m mortified as I realize Ghost’s hardened eyes are locked straight on Ringer and me. My eyelids flutter closed, and I let out a nervous sigh as I run my fingers along the condensation on my glass.

Ringer pushes up and takes a few steps to his brother. I can’t tear my eyes away.

He left me here alone to worry over what he’s saying to his brother in my defense.