Page 71 of Ringer's Freedom

I almost peed myself when my dad made it seem like he was going to kill him. Ringer’s entire body almost fell to the floor when Dad burst out laughing.

I could have cried at the sight of my dad pulling Ringer in for a man-hug before shaking his hand.

Ringer and Dad both refuse to tell me what words were exchanged, but whatever was said allowed them to come to a mutual understanding.

To my disappointment, Ringer hasn’t stayed over yet. I haven’t flat-out asked him why, but I’m starting to get impatient.

Ringer dropping his arm from my shoulder and lightly squeezing my ass through my leggings brings me back to the present.

He guides me through the glass door of the tattoo shop, and my eyes land on one of my newest best friends. My lips pull into a huge smile.

Bunny rushes forward, throwing her skinny arms around my neck.

I squeeze her back, vaguely hearing Ringer’s deep chuckle in the background. “Hi to you too!”

Bunny pulls away, smiling so big her cheeks swallow her eyes. “I wasn’t expecting to see both of you!”

Nerves bubble in my belly as Bunny looks at me, her gaze sweet yet curious. “Surprise! I was just wondering if you had time for another tattoo, after Ringer’s, of course.”

Bunny’s eyes widen in excitement, and her smile gets wider. “I always have time for you! What’s up?”

Anxiety creeps up my throat as I second-guess my decision. I glance over at Ringer. What if she catches on and thinks it’s weird that Ringer and I get vaguely matching tattoos?

“Just tell her, babe,” Ringer encourages with a gentle hand on my shoulder.

I roll my eyes at how silly I’m feeling.

“Well, the quote you’re doing on Ringer, it’s kind of like our thing. I was just wondering if you could put it on me, too?”

Her questioning eyes and next words immediately cause my anxiety to rise. “Like a matching tattoo?”

I tackle a deep breath and explain that I want it in a different font. Ringer loves the masculine one she’s already drawn up on her tablet.

“Can I go first?” I ask, afraid that I’ll chicken out in the time that it takes her to tattoo Ringer.

“Of course,” Bunny agrees with a smile. She returns to the front desk and fiddles with her tablet for a few minutes.

I’m thankful for the loud music blaring Godsmack through the surround system. No one can hear the thundering drum that is the rapid beating of my heart.

Ringer drops onto the stool in the corner of what I assume is Bunny’s section.

A pink drawer set is pushed up against the wall and sits next to a small sink and counter space. A fluffy pink stool is pushed against a sizeable tattooing table covered in pink disposable paper.

I smile at the space and know this was every bit of Flame’s doing. It’s not surprising that he knows his girl is obsessed with pink and designed the space to fit her perfectly.

Bunny shows me a pretty cursive font that I love and positions me facedown on the table so she can access the back of my neck.

Ringer slides his stool flush with the side of the bed, and I jerk in surprise as he takes my hand and brings it to his lap.

From my position, I can tell that our linked fingers aren’t visible to anyone but us, but still, the thought of someone catching my hand in his draws butterflies into my gut.

As soon as Bunny starts in on the tattoo, her small voice pulls me out of my head. “Are you two going to tell me what this means?”

Ringer chuckles as I say, “Nope.”

“Well, that’s rude,” she giggles. “I guess I’ll still do it, though.”

Ringer chuckles before explaining to Bunny that it’s just always been our thing. He evades the question very well, if I do say so myself. As soon as he started talking, I was worried he was going to lay all of my insecurities about Renee out for her to see.