Page 140 of Ringer's Freedom

“Trigger’s car? Maria’s car?” Flame asks.

“Those were meant as warnings. Not meant to hurt anyone.”

“How do you know all of this now?” Ghost asks through his clenched teeth.

“Last night, Jake and Robert were supposed to come here and do something, I still didn’t get the full story on that, but I was at the clubhouse giving one of the pregnant ol’ ladies an IV infusion when Jake and Robert came limping through the doors. They both had gunshots, and I had to treat them.”

Powers was a medic in the Marines with Razor, so it’s no surprise that he’d be in charge of their medical care.

“Weak men spout a lot of shit when you give them the right pain meds,” Powers adds.

Ghost nods. “So all of this is because Hawk wants to bring drugs in?”

“Yeah. And get you out of his way.”

“For Jake, Robert, and Beau I think it’s all personal, because of you,” Powers points at Ringer. “Those three are focusing on their personal connection to Ringer. And Hawk’s sitting back while they all do the dirty work, even if it’s sloppy as fuck.”

“It may be sloppy, but people are still getting hurt. My fucking family,” Ghost barks.

Powers nods, sympathy clear on his face. “My family is outside in the car. I’m leaving town and getting the fuck away from them.”

Ghost presses his lips together in thought. “Are you safe?”

Powers forces a laugh and shakes his head. “I can handle myself. Besides, Hawk wont leave this fucking state. I’ll be fine.”

“Well, I appreciate you coming by tonight,” Ghost says.

“If it helps, as far as Jake and Robert said, they don’t have anything else plannedyet.And Syd’s down right now since Hawk smashed her computer a few days ago. So until he gets her a new one, I think you have time to figure shit out.”

I nod. “That does help. I can secure our network like Area 51. I just need a few days.”

“Thanks, Noah. You’re always welcome here.” Ghost offers as the man stands up to head out the door.

Razor meets his friend at the door for a brotherly hug and a few pats on the back. I wouldn’t doubt it if this is the last time they see each other.

“Shit,” Flame grunts once the door is closed again.

Ringer’s sitting in his seat again, carefully cradling his hand. The rest of the group looks lost in thought as we all ponder the new information we’ve just learned. I unplug my laptop and settle back in my own seat, clicking over to the web page I now have favorited and pinned to the top of my bookmarks tab. Kourtney’s social media page opens up, I’m settled on the view of her bright smile and get lost in her clear blue eyes for a moment.



My hand throbsas I sit in silence and listen to the group fill Trigger and Bull in on all the new information we’ve learned. Ghost sent a prospect to sit outside their hospital rooms to be with their women while they are here.

They are just as pissed as the rest of us. Bull comes out of his chair when he learns that the goal of his dad’s accident was, in fact, to kill him, not just run him off the road.

After what feels like hours at the table, Ghost calls it a night and tells us we will be holding church again in the morning once we’ve all rested on this new information.

I leave the room and am not surprised when the main room is empty, save for a few club girls and two prospects. I stop in the kitchen for a bag of ice before going on a search for my wife. All I want is a shower, a bed, and my fucking woman.

Pushing open the door to my old room, I find Lilah lying on her side in a small ball on top of the covers.

Even with my mangled hand, I manage to pull her shoes off her feet and work her jeans down before pulling the blanket over her. She stirs in her sleep but immediately falls back asleep as soon as I run the fingers of my good hand through her hair.

Once I’m sure she’s asleep, I head into the bathroom and take a quick shower, scrubbing the stench of the holding cell from my skin.

I skip boxers and slide into bed under the covers, pulling Lilah’s limp body into mine. I press a kiss to her temple and let out a relieved sigh as she cuddles further into my embrace.