Page 138 of Ringer's Freedom

I wave him off, clicking into another screen. “This is Kyle Davidson. Look familiar?”

“What the fuck?” A few of the guys spout in tandem.

“Hawk,” Ghost blurts.

I nod. “Hawk, president of the Dragon’s Ace. Jake Davidson’s older brother. That’s not all.”

I click to the next image, this one of a young woman holding a small baby in her arms. “This is Sydney Carter. Look familiar?”

A few of the guys concentrate on the screen and try to figure out if there is any recognition of the pretty young girl on the screen. “Let me make it easier for ya.”

I flip to the next screen, and a chorus of curses from gaped mouths sound from around the table.

“Motherfucker!” Bones shouts, slamming his fist on the wooden table.

The picture on the screen is one from this very clubhouse a few years back at a cookout. The girl in this picture is visibly younger, no older than sixteen at the time of the party. Sitting next to her, with his arm around her, is Beau.

“That’s Beau’s little sister,” Flame says.

Ringer lets out a growl and slams his fist on the table. “What do Beau and his sister have to do with this, Tiny?”

I click to the next screen, which is a picture of the same girl, looking miserable and way too skinny, with Hawk holding the same baby right next to her.

“Explain, Tiny,” Bones seethes.

“I did some digging, as I do best. Jake was moved to another prison south of here and was released a year ago, just a few months before Ringer. When he was released, he started prospecting for his brother’s club. Robert came in right after, and the two prospected together. Thanks to social media, I discovered that Sydney and Hawk started dating about a year and a half ago.”

“I need to get a hold of Powers,” Razor says, running his fingers through his mohawk, referencing his military friend who just so happens to be a part of the Dragon’s Ace MC.

“Already done. He’s going to be here in thirty minutes.”

Razor’s eyes widen. Ghost frowns at me. “Keep going.”

“This is all speculation until we figure it out for sure, but I figure Beau wants in their club, so how else would he get an in other than helping them with insider information about our club? I mean, think about it. He works in our garage, and he dated Lilah for however long, so he knows some details about us whether we want him to or not.”

Ringer growls at the mention of Beau having dated his wife.

I fucking get it, dude.

“That doesn’t explain how they infiltrated your security, Tiny,” Texas offers with a drawl.

I nod and click into another screen. “That brings me back to this little miss.” On the screen is a mugshot of Sydney where she looks so beaten down that I truly feel sorry for her.

The screen reads ‘Computer Crime’ in large letters under her picture.

“That’s a reason for arrest?”

“It is when you are hacking into major security networks and disabling alarms to give people access to steal.”

A soft knock comes from the thick door in the corner. Ghost nods at me, and I quickly minimize the screen.

“Come in,” Ghost calls out.

Powers steps through the door in a plain white T-Shirt and jeans, nodding at the group. I slap a palm over his back and thank him for coming. Fresh bruises litter his face, and his left lip and right eyebrow, once split clean, are closed with crusted scabs.

“Powers, no cut?” Ghost asks and nods at his bare back.

“Not anymore, boss.”