Page 126 of Ringer's Freedom

I’m fucking pissed. How dare whoever this is to come inside our home base and threaten it. With our whole fucking family there, no less. Fuckers.

Lilah was there. If anything would’ve happened to her, I couldn’t live with myself.

I’m already feeling murderous. Hell, I’vebeenfeeling murderous. But something about them coming into the clubhouse after what they did at Lilah’s bakery has me even more on edge. I don’t even care that they could be dead on the side of the fucking road from any of the shots that Bull and I fired off at them.

I’d much rather them alive so we can put an end to this fucking bullshit. But if the men that threatened my family are dead? Well, I’ll take that too.

After twenty minutes of searching the surrounding area, Ghost makes the decision to head to the hospital. They aren’t here, and if they are truly hurt, they’ll be seeking medical attention. That could be their own clubhouse or home base, assuming they are a part of some other organization, or a hospital. I’m anxious to see Lilah again, so my hopes are set on the hospital. Two birds with one stone and all that.

It takes no time for us to get to the hospital and into the large waiting room that holds the rest of the family. I head straight for Lilah and pull her into my arms. I wrap her in the hoodie I brought inside from my saddlebag. I sit next to her and let the smell of her shampoo relax me.

* * *

I’m restless as we sit in the waiting room, surrounded by the entire family.

We’ve been sitting here for twenty minutes, but all I want to do is fucking leave to keep searching. They’ve fucked around for too long. Too many people in my family could have gotten hurt, and I’m fucking done.

Lilah’s still content to be sitting in my arms. She holds onto the arm I have wrapped around her, and her leg bounces in anticipation. I lean over and press a kiss to the side of her face. “Relax, Princess.”

Tank and my pops are huddled together in the corner, surrounded by Flame, who holds a sleeping Brenna in his arms, Razor, Tiny, who has his ever-present laptop stuck to his lap, and Texas. Ghost is lying on the nasty-ass floor of the waiting room, playing Candyland with the little redheaded girl from the party while her mom sleeps soundly on the small couch against the far wall behind them.

“Here ya go,” Reaper grunts, handing me a styrofoam cup with steaming coffee. Sasha hands one to Lilah and takes the seat on her opposite side while Reaper takes the empty one to my left.

“I need to keep looking,” I say as softly as possible, looking into Reaper’s weathered eyes.

He blows on the steaming cup in front of him before taking a small sip of the scalding liquid. “Let’s make sure the babies and Pebbles are alright, and then we can go from there.”

Lilah squeezes my hand. I drag her further into my side and hold her tightly.

“I can’t let this shit go, Reap.”

“No one is asking you to, son. But everyone is here right now, and we’re all safe at the moment. We will get right back to it as soon as we know that Trigger’s family is safe as well,” Reaper says with such emotion that I can’t argue.

Who am I to argue that, at this moment in time, everyone in the Desert Outlaw family isn’t safe? The prospects are posted at every entrance, sending updates every ten minutes to the group chat, letting us know they are good. Every brother, aside from Trigger, is currently in this very waiting room, and all of our women are here. Shit, even Horse and Maggie are here. Reaper isn’t wrong, but I can’t control the need inside of me to want to get the fuck out of here and go find the stupid mother fuckers that are threatening this family.

The waiting room door bursts open, and Tank, as if he is connected to her enough to know her every move, stands as Maria rushes in. “They are here! Two beautiful baby boys!” she cries.

Echoes of cheering ring out around the waiting room. Lilah throws herself into my arms, and I catch her immediately, welcoming her sweet body into my lap. “I am so happy for them!” she squeals excitedly. A tear meddles its way down her cheek, and I chuckle at her as I wipe it away with my thumb. I lick the pad of my thumb and wink at her as her cheeks start to blush.

All of the women in the room hang onto Maria’s every word as she gushes over the two new additions to the family. I overhear her talking about how small Cade was when the twins were born. Apparently, he needed some help in the beginning but is doing fine now.

“How are Pebbles and Trigger?” Ghost asks, pushing to his feet.

“They are absolutely wonderful!” Maria sighs in contentment as she hugs Tank’s middle.

I kiss Lilah on the cheek, pushing her off of me and back to her chair. “I’ll be back, Princess.”

I stand and pad over to my brother. “A word?”

Ghost nods and follows me out of the waiting room. A second later, the door opens again as Flame steps into the hallway.

“I think I’m gonna go scope out the ER,” I tell the guys.

“Why?” Ghost asks, chewing on a toothpick as he leans against the wall.

I lower my voice, cautious of any listening ears that could be around. “I know for a fucking fact I hit them both at least once, Ghost. They took off, and who the fuck can get shot and not need medical attention? Maybe they’re here, right under our fucking noses!”

“Who’s to say they would even go to a hospital?” Flame asks, crossing his arms.