Page 120 of Ringer's Freedom

Fuck, I love slutty Halloween costumes.

Ring girl, meet cage fighter.

Luckily, the only thing I have to wear are regular workout shorts and a pair of small hand wraps, but the shorts she got me are too fucking small.

“You look like a fucking smoke show, Princess.”

She’s already wearing blush, but her cheeks turn a shade darker at my compliment as she threads an earring through her lobe. “Thank you, handsome.”

I step up behind her and kiss her bare shoulder. “You ready?”

“One sec,” she says, jogging over to the desk in the closet to grab her match sign.

“Went all out, did you?”

“When I commit, I commit,” she deadpans.

I chuckle, shaking my head. “Let’s go.”

The clubhouse is packed, and we weave through the crowd, holding hands amidst the chaos. People in costume seem to close in left and right. Ghost must have invited every damn person in the county.

“I’m going to find my dad and then grab us some drinks!”

“I’ll be out by the fire. There are too many people in here.”

Her eyes meet mine in question. I wave her off with a reassuring smile and head for the side doors.

I find my brother, Dad, Flame, Brenna, and Lyric around an already lit fire, so I take an empty seat and chuckle at my brother’s ghost costume. “Very original, Booger.”

“You have room to talk, dickhead.”

Fuck. He has a point there. I laugh as I get a good look at my dad’s cowboy costume, complete with a Stetson on top of his head. “Clean up good, old man.”

“Nice underwear,” he throws back.

I shake my head just as Lilah comes barreling out of the door in her next-to-nothing outfit.

My dick instantly hardens at the meer sight of her.

She stops right in front of me, throwing herself into my lap.

“Thanks, baby.” I kiss her neck as she hands me an orange plastic cup with what I can only assume is beer.

I don’t know why Ghost had to make this such an event. If it were up to me, it would be just like this, all of us chilling around the fire, shooting the shit and having a good time.

A little while and a few drinks later, Pebbles comes out and falls into an empty chair next to Ghost. A little girl I saw earlier and wondered who she belonged to stops right in front of Pebbles like she knows her.

I watch on curiously as Ghost teases her about names. A second later, the kid is screaming for her mom. The biggest smile to ever grace my face takes over as I watch my brother’s downfall.

“Who is that?” I press my lips to Lilah’s neck and nod towards the dark-haired skeleton a few feet away. I can’t take my eyes off of my brother’s expression as his tongue practically falls out of his mouth.

“I think her name is Brit, or maybe Bre? No, it’s Brit for sure. Her daughter dances at Pebbles studio. I’m pretty sure something happened recently, and now she and the girl are living in Trigger’s old apartment . I think they gave her a job working in Maria’s shop. She’s fucking gorgeous.”

“How the fuck do you know all that?”

The little tease winks at me and shrugs. “I know everything.”

I tap her on the ass, and I stand up after her. “I guess being married to a gossip has its perks.”