Page 112 of Ringer's Freedom


“So the master, a closet, and a gym?”

“Yeah. That’s all we need,” she shrugs.

“I may be getting ahead of myself here, since we haven’t even had the whole marriage talk yet, but what about kids' rooms?”

“Kids’ rooms?” her voice comes out in an uncomfortable squeak.

“Do you not want kids, Lilah?”

I straighten when Lilah clears her throat and returns the laptop to the coffee table.

She bites her lip again, and I can tell she’s uncomfortable since she’s blatantly avoiding my eye contact. That wasn’t my intention. It’s just a subject we’ve never really talked about before.

I sit forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “Let’s backpedal for a second.”

She nods, turning to stare directly into my eyes, but her face is blank. I can’t get a read on her emotions.

“When you tell me you love me, you mean it?”

“More than anything,” she murmurs so softly I strain to hear it.

“You changed your name to Mack. Does that mean you want tostaymarried to me? You want to be my wife until death do us part? You don’t still feel like you did before, that you don’t know me and need to date me?”

“I want to be your wife.”

“Then you need to be honest with me here, babe. Do you see kids in our future?”

She sucks in a breath. “Do you?”

I sigh, scrubbing my hand on my jaw. “Up until five minutes ago, yeah.”

Her eyes fall to the coffee table in front of us. “Oh.”


“But?” her wide gaze whips back to mine.

“But I’m getting the feeling you don’t want them. And now it’s making me second guess.”

“It’s a deal breaker then for you? Wanting kids? You’re second-guessing us because I don’t want kids.”

She moves to stand up and walk away, but my grip on her arm stops her from retreating. I pull on her arm, and she lands with a huff in my lap.

“I didn’t say that, so don’t put words in my mouth, Princess.” I press a kiss to her forehead. “I’m not second-guessingyou, baby. You’re mine. Kids or no kids.”

“How can you say that?” she shakes her head, her hair getting tangled in my fingers from where I’m holding her head in my grip. “That’s not something that people just get over with a snap. It’s a deal breaker for most people, and if that's what you want, we should just quit this now.”

I growl at the mention of us ‘quitting this.’I flip us on the couch so she’s under me, my knee between her legs to hold my weight. “Quit putting words in my mouth, Princess. I’ve never really thought about having kids. Until you. And I’d be lying if I said I haven’t pictured what our kids would look like, but that doesn’t mean I have to have them or even necessarily want them. Iwantyou.” I nip at her bottom lip.“Do I need to remind you why there is no way in hell that we could everquitthis?”

Her breath hitches, pressing her chest up into my welcome embrace. I wrap one hand around the back of her head at the base of her skull and use my other hand to tickle my fingertips along the hem of her cropped t-shirt. At her nod, I lick my lips before lowering my head to hers. Her lips meet mine in the middle and I smile against hers as she tangles her fingers in my hair.

“You’d give this up?” I ask as I drag my tongue along the side of her neck, her pulse pounding against my tongue.

She furiously shakes her head.

“No? That’s not what it sounded like to me, wife. Sounded to me like you’d so easily say goodbye to all of this.”