Page 92 of Ringer's Freedom

Well, him and me both. But I’ll blame this one on him.

Traffic’s a breeze as I make my way to the cafe where the girls and I planned to meet to make plans for Pebbles studio opening party.

I get lucky and find a parking spot along the street out front. Rushing inside, I look around and spot Lyric, Pebbles, Brenna, and Winnie at a table to the left. I wave at them and motion the hostess away when she asks if I need help.

Fuck!The light hits my ring, and I have a momentary panic attack as I pull it off and shove it in my pocket.

Good thing I noticed it now and not after I took my seat.

I slide in next to Pebbles and press a kiss to her cheek. “Good morning, bitches!”

“Someone is in a good mood this morning,” Lyric smirks at me, winking devilishly.

I shrug with a more than satisfied smile on my face as I lift the menu to peruse the choices. Lyric and I both order peach mimosas while Brenna, Pebbles, and Winnie all stick with plain fruit juice.

After clinking our glasses together, Winnie steers the conversation towards Pebbles's new baby,Dance with Me Academy.

While we wait for our food, I write down all of the desserts that Pebbles wants in my notebook while the girls discuss decorations and how to get business.

“I’m so happy for you, Pebs.” I lean over, squeezing Pebbles's arm and hugging her to my side. “Your dad would be happy too.”

Pebbles’s eyes meet mine and she smiles. A small tear makes its way out of the corner of her eye and she hurriedly wipes it away. “Love you, girlfriend.” I squeeze her arm again.

Winnie’s excited chatter pulls our attention across the table as she talks about flowers and balloons with over-the-top animation.

“You guys are crazy! Thank you so much,” Pebbles says. Emotion clogs her throat.

* * *


“Princess?” I call, entering our apartment through the kitchen. I saw her and Sasha’s cars parked out front, so I know she’s home.

“In the closet!”

I enter the room and into the closet to find her buried under a stack of clothes as she and Sasha sort through a huge pile of fabric.

“What in the hell are you guys doing?” I ask. Lilah’s beaming smile hits me right in the fucking gut as I’m once again reminded that this woman is all mine.

“Making magic happen!” she cries happily.

Lilah holds up a pair of jeans that look like they belong in the ‘90s, and her smile toward Sasha gets even bigger. “These will be perfect for you!”

Sasha takes them from her grasp and tosses them into a small pile behind her.

“What’s up, babe?” Lilah looks back up to me as I lean against the doorway, just watching her.

“I was just letting you know I have to head back up to the clubhouse. Ghost called church.”

She nods, looking back down as she sorts through more clothes. “Okay, ride safe. Love you.”

I suck in a breath and search her face. Her widened eyes turn to meet mine. I push off the door frame and stalk over to her, not giving one shit my dirty boots are stomping over all of her clothes. I lean down to take her face in my hand. I gently squeeze her cheeks to force her to look at me. I can tell she’s retreating in on herself. Even if she didn’t truly mean to say it, she still did.

“I love you too, Princess.” I crash my lips to hers and vaguely hear Sasha squeal behind me.

I press a few more firm kisses to her lips before letting her go. “I’ll be back later.”

I leave before she makes a big deal about her verbal diarrhea. I know she didn’t mean to let the words slip. But fuck, if that doesn’t make me one happy fucking man.