Page 136 of Ringer's Freedom

“I know,” Kourtney waves her hand as we continue down the hall, confidence pouring off of her in waves. I fucking love it. “I’m quite impressive. Just you wait, Ringer. I have a feeling today was the start of a wonderful relationship.”

“If you can do shit like that every time we get into trouble, I would say so. Shit.”

When we get to the end of the hall, another officer that’s manning the desk unlocks the door from a button at his desk, and she pushes it open.

Barely out of the doorway, I’m blessed with the sight of my wife.Fuck.Not even twenty-four hours without her, and I was already going through withdrawal. Her small frame slams into mine, and I envelop her in my arms as she wraps her legs around my waist.

I chuckle as she peppers kisses all over my face. After pressing a firm kiss to her lips, she finally releases me and drops her feet to the floor. A sharp slap across my face rings through the small waiting room, and my cheek stings. “Don’t you ever do that shit to me again!” my little spitfire spouts, pressing her fists against her hips as she scowls at me.

A feminine whistle comes from right next to us, and our new lawyer winks at Lilah. “Me-ow! I love a kitty with claws.” Turning to the rest of the group, Kourtney nods at Ghost and raises her head high. “It was a pleasure doing business with you all, although no offense, I love a little more excitement and fight. But with you bunch, I’m sure I’ll stay entertained. Ringer, I’ll be in touch because this is nowhere near over, unfortunately, but you guys all give me a call with whatever you need.”

We all watch in awe as she links her arm through Reggie’s bent one, and they leave the station.

“I think I’m a little in love with her,” Lilah blurts, staring after them with awe.

I growl at her and pull her back to me.

“I feel like this was all one big dream in slow motion, and I just watched from the outside,” Lilah says with a faraway look on her face.

“Ditto, babe.” Ghost wraps his arm across my wife’s shoulder. “Can we go home now? I, for one, need a fucking nap. Plus, we need to have church.” He looks right in my eyes as he says it.

There must be some new information within the last eighteen hours since I was arrested. Does that mean Tiny has pinned down the two assholes who tried blowing up our clubhouse? Has he found the two pussies that tried getting me pinned for attempted murder?

* * *


“Don’t you even for one second think that I’ve forgotten about the fact that you two aremarried.”Maria barks out as soon as we have all finished eating around the large table in the corner of the clubhouse.

I look to my left, where Ringer is wiping his mouth with his napkin after taking his last bite. “Come again?”

I wince. “I accidentally blurted to Reggie that you were my husband and, he must have said something to Kourtney. She said it in front of everyone. So everyone knows.”

“Fucking goddamn! Finally!” he blurts, grabbing the back of my neck and smashing his mouth against mine. Pulling away from me, he looks directly at Maria. “Fuck. In my defense, I’ve been wanting to tell everyone since the moment we got back from Vegas.”

“You’ve been married since Vegas!” she shrieks. I feel a little bad at the distraught look that comes over her.

I clear my throat. “I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t a mistake. We were a little drunk.” I look down at the table and pick at my napkin.

“A little?” Ringer chuckles. “Lilah, I carried you from the chapel all the way to the hotel room. You woke up the next morning and didn’t remember anything! You neededphoto evidencebecause you didn’t fucking believe me!”

I wince, then smile. “Yeah, a little.”

Everyone laughs with us, and the tension in the room lifts.

“Will you let us throw you an actual wedding?”

I cringe a little at the thought of doing the whole wedding ceremony. It’s never really been a dream of mine to have a full blown dog-and-pony show of everyone staring at me. A party? Fuck yeah. But not standing at the front of an aisle with a shit load of eyes on me.

“What about just a celebration?” she offers instead, most likely reading my discomfort correctly.

“I can do a party,” I agree with a soft smile.

Maria forces us to retell the story of the entire wedding night and what led to our matrimony.

Ringer has everyone eating out of the palm of his hand as he recites the night minute by minute. I excuse myself to the bathroom, and when I return, Ringer’s eyes zone in on my left hand. I knew he would notice the ring immediately.

“No reason to take it off ever again,” I lean into him and kiss the corner of his mouth.