Page 125 of Ringer's Freedom

I let the full clip loose as I aim at the retreating bikes. Neither one swerves, but there’s no fucking way I missed.

“Did you get one?” I ask Bull.

“I think you hit them both,” he calls over his shoulder. I take off in a jog towards my bike to follow them. If I hit them, there’s no way they can get far.

“No!” Bull calls behind me. “We need to get everyone out, we don’t know if they set anything else up in there, and you are not fucking going after them alone.”

Fuck. I hate when other people are right. I want to fucking follow them and tear out their teeth one by fucking one to figure out what the fuck their problem is.

I don’t even knowwhothe fuck they are!

“What’s your call then, boss?” I ask Bull.

We’re now standing in the crowded parking lot. “We need to hotwire one of these cars and crash it through the front door.”

“Crash it?” I question. “Through the front door? Where there are at least fifty people?”

“Yeah,” Bull says, like I’m the one talking crazy.

“Who’s fucking car are you going to crash? Not fucking Lilah’s.”

Bull rolls his eyes. “Calm down, Romeo. I’m not going to crash your wife’s car.”

I rear back and frown. “How’d you know she’s my wife?”

“I didn’t. Now I do.”

“You are fucking confusing.” I roll my eyes back at him and follow him toward Brenna’s Toyota Camry. Within seconds, he has the door popped open and is fiddling under her steering wheel.

“Got it,” he says right before the ignition turns over. “Alright, call Ghost and tell him to steer everyone clear of the door.”

I pull out my phone and dial my brother.

“Talk to me.”

“Get everyone away from the door. Bull’s crazy ass is about to drive Brenna’s car through it.”

“Mhm, ok.”

I turn around and watch the road leading to the clubhouse to make sure they aren’t making a return while the loud crash of Bull driving through the door clangs behind me.

When the coast is clear, I turn and watch him reverse the car back, and my boots crunch through the splintered wood littering the ground. “They took off on bikes,” I yell out at soon as I can see Ghost through the wreckage.

“Did you fucking shoot them? I heard shots.” Ghost yells, pointing down at the gun I’m still holding by my side.

I shake my head, shrugging. “No.”

“Fuck!” Ghost shouts.

Thank fuck for Reaper, who steps up to me first and takes my gun, then turns to our President and squeezes his shoulder. “Let’s take this conversation to the office. You’re sure they took off?”

“I’m sure, Reap.”

Bull stumbles through a minute later and makes a beeline for a very pregnant Winnie. “Outsides clear,” he says, not bothering to look anywhere but at her.

Ghost decides that Trigger, Tank, Flame, and Reaper are going to take a laboring Pebbles and the rest of the women to the hospital while the rest of us follow in the direction the men took off. We’ll do a needle in a haystack search for the fuckers.

Lilah leaves in Pebbles’s SUV with the rest of the family. I run upstairs and put on real clothes before meeting the rest of the guys out by our bikes. We all take off, with me leading the way in the direction the two bikes rode away.