Page 2 of Trigger's Forever

“Congratulations, you guys! I will send the doctor back in.”

I’m still in shock as I stare at the pictures. I can’t believe Pebbles is pregnant. I can’t believe she’s having my baby. Mybabies!Shit! We’re havingtwins!Holy fuck.

I let my head fall down, resting against the large hospital bed that makes my firecracker look so small. After taking a moment to collect myself, I force air out of my nose and focus on the expansion of my lungs as I sit back up.

“You hear that, Red? We’re having two babies.Two.”I pull her weightless hand up to my mouth, pressing my lips to her knuckles.

Before Pebbles, I didn’t even realize there was a heart deep inside of me. She’s shown me, to my surprise, that I do have one, and it beats only for her. Even the smallest things have made me fall for her more each day, especially her laugh. Before all of this happened, my mustache tickling her fingers when I kissed them would make the sweetest laugh pass from her lips. Everytime the sound hit my ears my heart would flutter at the melody.

Pain settles square in my chest as the tickle from my mustache receives no response from Pebbles. She remains motionless, staring at the nothingness in front of her.

What I wouldn’t do to take every ounce of pain from her.

Dr. Narsio comes back into the room, holding a packet of papers and a few brochures. She puts the brochures at Pebbles’s feet and hands me the packet of paper.

“Heather will need to establish care with an OB-GYN and be seen as soon as possible. Everything on the ultrasound looks fine. The babies look great. Without knowing when her last period was, we could only make an estimate of her gestation based off the size of the babies.” The doctor clears her throat with a cough. She rests her hands in her lab coat pockets. “I would say you’re approximately six to seven weeks along.”

Damn. Six to seven weeks? Knowing exactly how long Pebbles has been pregnant makes everything even more real, though part of me is shocked she isn’t farther along, seeing how we’ve been messing around for close to six months now.

Having a time frame put on it also makes me all the more enraged at the nasty mother fucker who put his hands on my woman. Not only did he put his filthy hands on her, but he did something vile and disgusting to her while my fucking kids were inside her! That fucker better hope he dies from the gunshot Bunny gave him, or else he’s going to have another thing coming.

Dr. Narsio’s voice cuts through my rage.

“I printed out a ton of information on early pregnancy and pregnancy with twins. These brochures here are about support groups,” Dr. Narsio explains while she smiles gently at Pebbles. “The nurse will be in shortly to discharge you. The cops are still outside waiting to speak with you, but I told them now wasn’t the time.”

“I’ll take care of it. Thank you,” I say, rising to my feet. The doctor leaves the small room, and I turn to face Pebbles.

The buzz of the overhead fluorescent light grates on my nerves. I war with wanting to stay by her side and going to find out whatever information I can about this whole fucked up situation. Seeing Pebbles on that floor in that run-down, dirty cabin tore something up inside of me. I wasn’t there to protect her. Nothing I can say or do can take away what happened to her.

My phone vibrates against my leg inside my jeans. Pulling it out, I see a text from Ghost.

Take her home. I’ve dealt with the cops for now. She’ll need to go to the station tomorrow or the next day for a statement.

My eyes settle once again on an empty-faced Pebbles. She hasn’t spoken a word since the cabin when she called my name.

I type out a response to Ghost.

I don’t think they are going to get much out of her.

The door opens, and the nurse that was in with us before walks briskly into the room. She carries another stack of papers held together by a clipboard.

“Heather, I just need you to quickly sign these papers for me, and then I can get you out of here.” She holds the clipboard and a pen out to Pebbles at a respectable length.

Pebbles takes the pen between her fingers, scribbling her initials in all the places the nurse points.

“Just a signature here and you are done. Dr. Narsio wanted me to remind you guys to pick up some prenatals as soon as possible and start taking them. You can also take some acetaminophen for any pain or discomfort you may have.”

As soon as the nurse leaves the room, I bend over and pick up the bag that Maria dropped off. “Maria put some clothes in here for you. I’ll step outside while you get changed and then take you home.” Her eyes widen, and I stop dead in my tracks. She shakes her head back and forth in a panic as her chest rises and falls rapidly. “Just breathe, babe. Do you want me to take you to Tank and Maria’s? They said you can come stay with them for a while.”

She nods her head in acceptance and quickly wipes the lone tear from her eye.

“I’m going to be right outside giving Tank a call while you get changed,” I say gently, leaning forward to kiss her forehead.

I instantly regret my choice when Pebbles entire body flinches away from mine. I’ve never had to think twice about kissing her on the top of her head. It’s always been instinct to do it before walking away from her.

But that was before the day that changed everything— forever.